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Section 129: Cellars and basements shall be kept free from ground <br />or surface water, and where the same are too low to be drained into the <br />sewer, the water therefrom shall be lifted by a oellar drainer or ejector <br />or other device, approved by the Plumbing inspector, and discharged into <br />the sewer. <br />Section 126: Overflow pipes from oisterns shall not oonneet direct- <br />ly with any house sewer, but drain pipes from bottom of cistern may con- <br />neat with the sewer if properly valved. <br />Section 189: The connection with the roof sump must be made with <br />brass ferrule aaulked to cast iron or sarewed into wrought iron pipe and <br />shall be connected water and air tight to ferrule with an extension <br />joint, Roof sumps shall be constructed of sheet lead not less than 4 lba* <br />to the sgaars root. <br />Section 130; Sheet lead for roof flashing shall not weigh less than <br />three ,-pounds per square root, shall be new unused material, shall extend <br />not less than six inches from the pipe and the joint shall be made water- <br />tight* All roof flashing around pipes shall be made of lead which shall <br />extend up and be Plashed down into said vent pipe. <br />Section 131; It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to turn <br />on or cause to be turned on, the water supply in and service pipe leading <br />from the city water system and conducting water to any premises or build- <br />ing without a written order from the Plumbing Inspector approving the <br />plumbing and drainage of said buildings; provided, however, that the water <br />may be turned on for the purpose of testing the plumbing and drainage <br />systems$ and it is hereby made the duty of the person or persons causing <br />said water to be turned on to see that same is turned off immediately <br />after such tests hove been made, provided, further, however, that water <br />may be turned on for use during building oonstruation if the proper permit <br />has been obtained from the City water Forks Department, and it shall be <br />the duty of the person or persons desiring use of said water to so notify <br />the said department, <br />Section 133t No service pipe shall be installed to or into any <br />building or property smaller than 3/4" internal diameter. <br />Section 134: No fixture shall be supplied with water through pipe <br />