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ITEM 4r. Dairy barns floors. - The floors and gutters of s%kch <br />parts of all dairy barns in which cows are milked shall be constructed <br />of concrete or other approved impervious and easily cleaned material, <br />shall be graded to drain properly, and shall be kept clean and in <br />good repair. No horses, pigs, fowl, calves, etc- shall be permitted <br />in parts of the barn used for milking. <br />ITEM 5r. Dairy barn, walls and ceilings. - The walls and ceil- <br />ings of all dairy barns shall be whitewashed once each year or <br />painted once every 2 years, or oftener, if necesoary, or finished in <br />an approved manner, and shall be kept clean and in good repair. In <br />case there is a second story above that part of the barn in which <br />cows are milked, the ceiling shall be tight. If the feed room <br />adjoins the milking space, it shall be separated therefrom by.a <br />dust -tight partition and door. No feed shall be stored in the <br />milking portion of the barn. <br />ITEM 6r. Dairy barn, cow yard. - All cowyards shall be graded <br />and drained as well as practicable and kept clean. <br />ITEM 7r. Manure disposal. - 1A11 manure shall be removed and <br />stored or disposed of in such manner as best to prevent the breeding <br />of flies therein or the access of cows to piles thereof. <br />ITEM 8r. Mill: house or room, construction. - There shall be <br />provided a milk house or milk room in which the cooling, handling, <br />and storing of milk and milk products and the washing, ba* e�icidal <br />treatment, and storing of milk containers and utensils shall be done. <br />(a) The milk house or room shall be provided with a tight floor <br />constructed of concrete or other impervious material, in good repair, <br />and graded to provide proper drainage. (b) It shall have walls and <br />ceilings of such construction as to permit easy cleaning, and shall <br />be well painted or finished in an approved manner. (c) It shall be <br />well lighted and ventilated. (d) It shall have all openings <br />effectively screened including outvrard- opening, self- closing doors, <br />unless other effective means are provided to prevent the entrance of <br />flies. (e) It shall be used for no other purposes than those <br />specified above except as may be approved by the health officer; <br />shall not open directly into a stable or into any room used for <br />domestic purposes; shall have water piped into it; shall be provided <br />with adequate facilities for t he heating of water for t he cleaning <br />of utensils; shall be equipped with two- compartment stationary wash <br />and rinse vats. <br />- 8 - <br />