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Vitamin DY milk shall be only of grade A pasteurized quality-. <br />Grade A raw milk. - Grade A raw milk is raw milk to be pasteu- <br />rized, the average bacterial plate count of which as determined <br />under Sections 1 (S) and 6 of this Ordinance does not exceed 200,000 <br />per cubic centimeter, or the average direct microscopic count of <br />which does not exceed 200,000 per cubic centimeter if clumps are <br />counted, or 800,000 per cubic centimeter if individual organisms are <br />counted, or the average reduction time of which is not less than <br />6 hours; and which is produced upon dairy farms conforming with all <br />of the following items of sanitation. <br />ITEM lr. Cows tuberculosis and other diseases. - Except as <br />provided hereinafter, a tuberculin test of all herds and additions <br />thereto shall be made before any milk therefrom is sold, and at <br />least once every 12 months thereafter, by a licensed veledinar An <br />approved by the State livestock sanitary authority. Said tests shall <br />be made and reactors disposed of in accordance with the requirements <br />approved by the United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of <br />Animal Industry for accredited herds. A certificate signed by the <br />veterinarian or attested to by the health officer and filed with the <br />health officer shall be evidence of the above test. <br />Cows which show an extensive or entire induration of one'or more <br />quarters of the udder upon physical examination, whether secreting <br />abnormal milk or not, shall be permanently excluded from the milking <br />herd. Cows giving bloody, stringy, or otherwise abnormal milk, but <br />with only slight induration of the udder, shall be excluded from the <br />herd until re- examination shows that the milk has become normal. <br />For other diseases such tests and examinations as the health <br />officer may require shall be made at intervals and by methods pre- <br />scribed by him, and any diseased animals or reactors shall be dis- <br />posed of as he may require. <br />ITEM 2r. Dairy barn, lighting. - A dairy or milking barn shall <br />be required and in such.sections thereof where cows are milked, <br />windows shall be provided and kept clean and so arranged as to insure <br />adequate light properly distributed, and when necessary shall be pro- <br />vided with adequate supplementary artificial light. <br />ITEM 3r.. Dairy barn, air space and ventilation. S uch sections <br />of all dairy barns where cows are kept or milked shall be well <br />ventilated and shall be so arranged as to avoid over- crowding. <br />- 7 - <br />