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T <br />The immediate surroundings of the dairy shall be kept in a neat, <br />clean condition. <br />Certified milk - pasteurized <br />q certified milk -raw which has be <br />\ in a milk plant conforming with <br />pasteurized milk. <br />Grade A pasteurized milk. <br />Certified milk - pasteurized is <br />:n pasteurized, cooled,,, and bottled <br />the requirements for grade A <br />Grade A pasteurized milk is grade <br />A raw milk, with such exceptions as are indicated if the milk is to <br />be pasteurized, which has been pasteurized, cooled, and bottled in a <br />milk plant conforming with all of the following items of sanitation <br />and the average bacterial plate count of which at no time after <br />pasteurization and until delivery exceeds 30,000 per cubic centimeter, <br />as determined under sections 1(S) and 6. <br />The grading of a pasteurized milk supply* shall include the <br />inspection of receiving and collecting stations with respect to items <br />1p to 15p, inclusive, and 17p, 19.p2 22p, and 23p,, except that the <br />partitioning requirements of item 5p shall not apply. <br />"- ITEM 1p, Floors. - The floors of all rooms in which milk or <br />milk products are handled or stored or in which milk utensils are <br />washed shall be constructed of concrete or other equally impervious <br />and easily cleaned material and shall be smooth, properly drained, <br />provided with trap;ed drains \and kept clean. <br />ITEM 2p. 'Halls and ceilings. - walls and ceilings of rooms in <br />which milk or milk products are handled or stored or in which milk <br />utensils are washed shall have a smooth; washable, light- colored <br />surface and shall be kept clean. <br />ITEM 3p. Doors and windows. - Unless other effecti ve means are <br />provided to prevent the access of flies, all openings into the outer <br />air shallbe effectively screened and doors shall be self - closing. <br />ITEM 4p. Lighting and ventilation. - All rooms shall be ti.ell <br />lighted and ventilated. <br />ITEM 5p. B:iscellaneous protection from contamination - The <br />various milk -plant operations s hall be so located and conducted as <br />to prevent any contamination of the milk or of, the cleaned equipment. <br />All means necessary for the elimination of flies shall be used. There <br />shall be separate rooms for (a) the pasteurizing, processing, coo;ing,, <br />and bottling operations, and (b) the washing and bactericidal treat- <br />ment of contincrs. Cans of raw milk shall not,bo unloaded directly <br />- 11 - <br />