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ITEM 17r, Milking, udders and teats, abnormal milk. - The <br />udders and teats of all milking cows shall be clean and rinsed with <br />e, bactericida1 solution at the time of milking. Abnormal milk shall <br />be kept out of the milk supply and shall be so handled and disposed <br />of as to preclude the infection of the cows and the contamination of <br />milk utensils. <br />ITEIw 18r. Milking, flanks. - The.,flanks, bellicsl� and tails of <br />all milking cows shall be free from visible dirt at the time of <br />milking. <br />ITEM 19r. Milkers' hands. - Milkers, hands shall be clean, <br />rinsed with a bactericidal solution, and dried with a clean towel <br />immediately before milking and following any the <br />milking operation. Wet -hand milking is prohibited. Convenient <br />facilities shall be provided for the washing of milkerst hands. <br />ITEM 20r. C lean clothing. - Milkers and milk handlers shall <br />wear clean outer garments while milking or handling milk., milk <br />products, containers, utensils or equipment. <br />ITEM 21r. Milk stools. - Milk stools shall be kept clean. <br />ITEM 22r. Removal of milk. - Each pail of milk shall be removed <br />immediately to the milk house or straining room. No milk shall be <br />strained or poured in the dairy barn. <br />ITEM 23r. Cooling. - If milk is delivered to a milk plant or <br />receiving station for pasteurization or separation, it must be de- <br />livered within 2 hours after completion of milking or cooled to 70 <br />i <br />degrees F. or less and maintained at that average temperature until <br />delivered. <br />ITEM 24r. Miscellaneous. - All vehicles used for the trans- <br />portation of milk or milk product's shall be so constructed and <br />operated as to protect their contents from the sun and from contami- <br />nation. All vehicles used for the transportation of milk or milk <br />products in their final delivery containers shall be constructed <br />with permanent tops and with permanent or roll -dorm sides and back, <br />provided that openings of the size necessary to pass the delivery <br />man may be permitted in the sides or back for loading and unloading <br />purposes. All vehicles shall be kept clean, and no substance <br />capable of contaminating milk or milk products shall be transported <br />with milk or milk products in such ,Manner as to permit contamination. <br />- 10 - <br />