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Article 2 - Replacement Installations and <br />Installations in Old Structures <br />Section 1. Replacement installations in existing buildings or new <br />installations in existing buildings under circumstances in which the fulfillment <br />of the requirements of this ordinance is impossible, or the cost of such fulfill- <br />ment prohibitive, may be made provided that the inspector assigned to such work <br />approves plans and specifications therefor in writing, and provided that the <br />!/ sl gives its written approval thereof. <br />Article 3 - Sheet Metal ?Mork <br />Section 1. Except where otherwise provided in this ordinance or in <br />standards referred to herein and adopted as a part of said ordinance, all sheet <br />metal work relating to or connected with any of the matters covered by this <br />ordinance shall be in accordance with the standards set up from time to time <br />by the Administrative Building.Council of Indiana. <br />Article 4 - Additional Standards <br />Section 1. Except as otherwise provided in this code, all installations <br />included within the code shall be in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance, <br />the statutes of Indiana, orders, rules and regulations issued by authority thereof <br />and with approved standards referred to herein. ?there no specific standards are <br />prescribed by this ordinance by the statutes of the State of Indiana, or by <br />any orders, rules or regulations issued by authority thereof or in the sets of <br />standards otherwise referred to in this ordinance, then conformity with the <br />regulations made and provided by the American Society of Heating and Ventilating <br />Engineers shall be prima facie evidence of a standard reasonably safe for persons <br />and property and shall be considered as an approved standard. <br />PART IV. <br />Article 1 - Violations <br />Section 1. Any violation of this ordinance shall subject the person, <br />firm or corporation guilty of the violation to a fine of not less than Five (5.00) <br />Dollars, nor more than One Hundred ($100900) Dollars for each such violation. <br />