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Section 3 -A <br />"A -1" Residence District <br />In the A -1 Residence District buildings or premises may be used, and <br />buildings may be erected or structurally altered for the following uses only: <br />1. Any use permitted in the "A" use District <br />2. Two family dwellings. <br />Section 4. <br />"B" Residence District <br />In the "B" Residence District buildings or premises may be used, and <br />building may be erected or structurally altered for the following uses only: <br />(1) Any use permitted in the "A" Residence District <br />(2) Two family dwellings <br />(3) Apartment Houses <br />(4) Boarding and lodging houses <br />(5) Hotels <br />(6) Institutions of an educational, philanthropic or eleemosynary <br />nature. <br />(7) Hospitals, public or private'clinics, and nursing homes. <br />(8) Private clubs, fraternities and lodges. <br />(9) Nurseries and greenhouses for propagating and growing only. <br />(10) Public garages for storage purposes only,and where no repair <br />facilities are maintained in "B" and "C" Height and Area Dis. <br />tricts and accessory to Items 3 -5 -6 -7 above provided further <br />that no such public garage shall have an entrance or exit for <br />vehicles within fifty (50) feet of an entrance or exit of a <br />public or private school, playground, public library, church, <br />hospital, children's or old people's home or any other similar <br />public or semipublic institution. <br />(11) Accessory buildings customarily incident to any of the above <br />uses and not involving the conduct of a business, <br />(12) Uses which are uncertain in their classification under the fore- <br />going headings shall be reviewed by the Board of Zoning Appeals <br />and the interpretation of said Board shall govern in each case. <br />-5- <br />