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Section 2, <br />Use District Regulations <br />In order to regulate and restrict the location of trades, callings, <br />industries, commercial enterprises and the location of buildings designed for. <br />specified uses, the city of South Bend is hereby divided into "Use Districts," <br />of whieh there shall be seven, known as: <br />"A" Residence District <br />"A -1" Residence District <br />"B" Residence District <br />"C -1" Commercial District <br />"C" Commercial District <br />"D" Light Industrial District <br />"E" Heavy Industrial District <br />The City of South Bend is hereby divided into seven (7) districts, afore- <br />said, and the boundaries of such districts are shown upon the map attached hereto <br />and made a part of this ordinance, being designated as the "Use District Map" and <br />said map and all the notations, references, and other things shown thereon shall <br />be as much a part of this ordinance as if the matters and things set forth by <br />said map were all fully described therein. <br />Section 3, <br />"A" Residence District <br />In the "A" Residence District buildings or premises may be used, and <br />buildings may be erected or structurally altered, for the following uses only: <br />(1) One family dwellings <br />(2) Churches <br />(3) Schools <br />(4) Libraries <br />(5) Farming and truck gardening <br />(6) Uses customarily incident to any of the above uses and <br />not involving the conduct of a business. <br />(7) Home occupation, office of physician, surgeon, dentist, <br />when located in the dwelling place of such person, prop <br />vided no nameplate exceeding one square foot in area is <br />used. <br />(8) Accessory buildings including one private garage whether <br />attached to the house or as a separate building. <br />(9) Signs, not exceeding 8 square feet in area, appertaining <br />to the lease, or sale of a building or premises. <br />(10) Uses which are uncertain in their classification under <br />foregoing headings shall be reviewed by the board of <br />Zoning Appeals and the interpretation of said Board shall govern. <br />_4_ <br />