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damage insurance with reference to the Leased Premises in an amount not less than Five Hundred <br />Thousand Dollars ($500,000) on account of each occurrence with one or more good and <br />responsible insurance companies. Such public liability insurance may be by blanket insurance <br />policy or policies. <br />The proceeds of the public liability insurance required herein (after payment of <br />expenses incurred in the collection of such proceeds) shall be applied toward extinguishment or <br />satisfaction of the liability with respect to which such insurance proceeds are paid. Such policies <br />shall be for the benefit of persons having an insurable interest in the Project, and shall be made <br />payable to the Authority, the Lessee, and the Trustee and to such other person or persons as the <br />Authority may designate. Such policies shall be countersigned by an agent of the insurer who is <br />a resident of the State of Indiana and deposited with the Authority and the Trustee. If, at any <br />time, the Lessee fails to maintain insurance in accordance with this Section, such insurance may <br />be obtained by the Authority and the amount paid therefor shall be added to the amount of <br />rentals payable by the Lessee under this Lease; provide d, however, that the Authority shall be <br />under no obligation to obtain such insurance and any action or non - action of the Authority in this <br />regard shall not relieve the Lessee of any consequence of its default in failing to obtain such <br />insurance. <br />The insurance policies described in this Section 9 may be acquired by another <br />parry and shall satisfy this Section as long as the Authority, the Lessee and the Trustee are named <br />as additional insureds under such policies. Such coverage may be provided by scheduling it <br />under a blanket insurance policy or policies. <br />Section 10. Use of Condemnation Proceeds. If title to or the temporary use of <br />the Project, or any part thereof, shall be taken under the exercise or the power of eminent domain <br />by any governmental body or by any person, firm or corporation acting under governmental <br />authority, any net proceeds received from any award made in such eminent domain proceedings <br />(after payment of expenses incurred in such collection) shall be paid to and held by the Trustee <br />under the Trust Agreement. <br />Such proceeds shall be applied in one (1) or more of the following ways: <br />(a) The restoration of the Project to substantially the same <br />condition as it existed prior to the exercise of that power of eminent domain, or <br />(b) the acquisition, by construction or otherwise, of other <br />improvements suitable for the Lessee's operations on the Project and which are in <br />furtherance of the purposes of the Act (the improvements shall be deemed a part of <br />the Project and available for use and occupancy by the Lessee without the payment <br />of any rent other than as herein provided, to the same extent as if such other <br />improvements were specifically described herein and demised hereby). <br />Within ninety (90) days from the date of entry of a final order in any eminent <br />domain proceedings granting condemnation, the Lessee shall direct the Authority and the Trustee <br />in writing as to which of the ways specified in this Section the Lessee elects to have the net <br />proceeds of the condemnation award applied. Any balance of the net proceeds of the award in <br />-5- <br />US.55393881.03 <br />