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effect on the date of delivery of the Bonds, nor will the Lessee act in any manner which would <br />adversely affect such exclusion. The Lessee further covenants that it will not make any investment <br />or do any other act or thing during the period that any Bond is outstanding hereunder which would <br />cause any Bond to be an "arbitrage bond" within the meaning of Section 148 of the Code and the <br />regulations thereunder as in effect on the date of delivery of the Bonds. All officers, members, <br />employees and agents of the Lessee are authorized and directed to provide certifications of facts <br />and estimates that are material to the reasonable expectations of the Lessee as of the date the Bonds <br />are issued and to enter into covenants on behalf of the Lessee evidencing the Lessee's commitments <br />made herein. <br />Section 5. Abatement of Rent. If any part of the Project is taken under the <br />exercise of the power of eminent domain, so as to render it unfit, in whole or part, for use by the <br />Lessee, it shall then be the obligation of the Authority to restore and rebuild that portion of the <br />Project as promptly as may be done, unavoidable strikes and other causes beyond the control of <br />the Authority excepted; provided, however, that the Authority shall not be obligated to expend on <br />such restoration or rebuilding more than the condemnation proceeds received by the Authority. <br />If any part of the Project shall be partially or totally destroyed, or is taken under <br />the exercise of the power of eminent domain, so as to render it unfit, in whole or part, for use or <br />occupancy by the Lessee, the rent shall be abated for the period during which the Project or such <br />part thereof is unfit or unavailable for use, and the abatement shall be in proportion to the <br />percentage of the Project which is unfit or unavailable for use or occupancy. <br />Section 6. Net Lease. It is expressly understood and agreed that this Lease <br />shall be what is known as a net lease i.e., the rent being absolutely net to the Authority and that <br />all other expenses in connection with the Project of any nature whatsoever shall be those of the <br />Lessee) and that during the lease term the Lessee shall be obligated to pay as its expenses without <br />reimbursement from the Authority all costs of taxes and assessments, if any, and maintenance, <br />operation and use in connection with or relating to the Project, including but not limited to all costs <br />and expenses of all services, repair or replacement of all parts of the Project or improvements of <br />the Project. <br />Section 7. Nonliability of Authori . The Authority shall not be liable for <br />damage caused by hidden defects or failure to keep the Project in repair and shall not be liable for <br />any damage done or occasioned by or from plumbing, gas, water, or other pipes or the bursting or <br />leaking of plumbing or heating fixtures in connection with said premises, nor for damage <br />occasioned by water, snow or ice. The Authority shall not be liable for any injury to the Lessee or <br />any sublessee of the Lessee or any other person which injury occurs on, in or about the Project <br />howsoever arising. The Authority shall not be liable for damage to the Lessee's property or to the <br />property of any sublessee of the Lessee or of any other person which may be located in, upon or <br />about the Project. <br />Section 8. Alterations. Lessee shall have the right, without the consent of the <br />Authority, to make all alterations, modifications and additions and to do all improvements it deems <br />necessary or desirable to the Project, which do not reduce the rental value of the Project. <br />Section 9. Insurance. During the full term of this Lease, the Lessee shall, at its <br />own expense, carry combined bodily injury insurance, including accidental death, and property <br />-4- <br />US.55393881.03 <br />