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.... <br />.... <br />All City officials specifically includin tg he City Controller, the Director of City Finance, <br />the Director of Budgeting and Financial Reporting, the City Clerk, any Barrett Law Custodian <br />and the Superintendent of Parks, together with all City employees and Commission members as <br />well as those persons acting on behalf of the City of South Bend including the St. Joseph County <br />Treasurer when acting in the City's behalf, shall be subiect to a blanket bond in the sum of one <br />million dollars ($ which the Citv shall obtain to cover the faithful performance of <br />said~ersons' duties on behalf of the City. <br />fib) <br />of tlzc£~tp. The duty of faithful performance as used in the previous sub-part a) specifically <br />includes the du , to comply with I.C. 35-44-1-2 and the duty of such officer, em~loyee, or person <br />acting on behalf of the Citv to account properly for all monies and property received by virtue_of <br />his or her position or employment. <br />SECTION II. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage <br />by the Common Council, approval by the Mayor, and publication as required by law. <br />Member, South Bend Co n ouncil <br />1 st RcAD{NG ~-Z`~-~ ~ <br />pJBL{C HCAP.{NG L-~ ~-~~ <br />3 rd READ{NG L' 1 `~'a~ <br />NOT APPROVED <br />RE=ERR;=D <br />n ",SSED L- i`~-Q~ <br /> <br />