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PERSONNEL & FINANCE November 24, 2014, 3:30pm <br />Committee Members Present: Valerie Schey, Dr. David Varner, Derek Dieter, <br />Henry (Absent) <br />Other Council Present: Karen White, Gavin Ferlic, Dr. Fred Ferlic, <br />Tim Scott (Absent), Oliver Davis (Absent) <br />Others Present: Brian Pawlowski, Cecil Eastman, John Murphy, <br />Joe Ellen Talos, Rahman Johnson, Jen <br />Hockenhill, Penny Price, Janet Cadotte, Chris <br />Fielding, Scott Ford, Brock Zeeb, Aaron <br />Caldwell, Kathy Hahn, Tracy Oehlir, Gibson <br />Insurance Reps, Kathy Cekanski- <br />Farrand, Janice Talboom, Media <br />Agenda: 1. Bill 61 -14 -Amend Section 9 -17 addressing <br />EMS Operating Enterprise Fund #288, create <br />new EMS Capital Enterprise Fund #287 and <br />new Central Services Capital Fund #224 <br />2. Update on City's Health Insurance from <br />Gibson and the Human Resource Department <br />Valerie Schey, chairperson brought the meeting to order. John Murphy, City Controller <br />made the presentation. He said the bill was being brought to council to set up and <br />formalize the funds involved before the end of the year. Thanks to Kathy Cekanski <br />Farrand they will have these funds formalized and be trackable by putting this bill in the <br />municipal code book. Val Schey asked if these funds were regarding concerns during <br />the fire negotiations. John Murphy replied yes it was. Dr. Varner explained that all <br />ambulance fees were going to 2 funds. Now all will go to one fund #288 with an annual <br />appropriation happening in fund #287. <br />This bill was sent to the full council with a favorable recommendation. Motion by Dr. <br />Varner /2nd Gavin. <br />A presentation was then made by Gibson Health Insurance with handout attached. <br />Dr. Ferlic How many claimants are retirees? Are we getting too old? Gibson — Not <br />sure that can be researched if we are too old or not. City insurance only covers retirees <br />under 65, then Medicare takes over. <br />Val Schey — Prescription costs. City has a prescription policy, this is included in claim <br />numbers? Yes. Already discounted. <br />