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Kennedy Park Resolution <br />Page 2 <br />it was reported in the South Bend Tribune on September 28, 2014, that "a proposed <br />bond issue to help pay for some of the more than $37 million in needed improvements outlined in <br />the parks master plan would have no effect on local tax rates" and that a proposed 20 -year $2.5 <br />million bond "would be financed with economic development and county option income tax <br />revenue ". <br />i <br />Section I. The Common Council believes that neighborhood parks and recreational <br />opportunities help contribute to the quality of life in our neighborhoods. <br />Section II. In light of the fact that the City Administration will be bringing a proposed park bond <br />to the Council since such a bond issue would require Common Council approval, it is recommended <br />that a Kennedy Park Master Plan first be developed to address some of the urgent needs which <br />include but are not limited to the following: <br />1. A minimum of $300,000 to $400,000 commitment for needed park upgrades <br />2. Development of walking paths <br />3. Development of shelters with grills and benches <br />4. Enhanced playground equipment <br />5. New basketball courts <br />Section III. The City of South Bend has the opportunity to develop a Kennedy Park Master Plan <br />which establishes immediate and long -term goals, priorities for new park services and the enhancement of <br />existing ones; as well as developing partnerships with private entities so that tax dollars may be leveraged <br />resulting in more opportunities to address needed park facilities, services and needs of our residents. <br />Section. IV. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption by the <br />Council and approval by the Mayor. <br />Voting in Favor <br />Voting Against. <br />W ., <br />John Voorde, City Clerk <br />NOT MMO`Jfp <br />AGO? T 0 <br />Henry Davis, Jr., ° Disn <br />South Bend Common Council <br />Pete Buttigieg, Mayor <br />2014 <br />a <br />JOHN NCtr_' ;A_11 <br />t. *SYY CLERK, %:0 0 l:3LND.EN <br />