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weekend. <br /> 7. In November, she will be traveling to Reno,Nevada with softball staff to bid on 2016 <br /> national tournaments. <br /> 8. This past Saturday the equestrian ride was held at Potato Creek State Park. Despite bad <br /> weather,there were only six cancellations. <br /> 9. Halloween parties will be held at the centers. <br /> 10. Charles Black Center will be holding a Ninja Turtle party for the boys in November. <br /> 11. The Wellness committee attended the wellness summit in Indianapolis and our program <br /> received a three star achievement award. <br /> Mr. Goodrich requested the staff to prepare a cost analysis of the ice rink, playgrounds, <br /> and centers to compare their operations with the golf program. <br /> X. Comments by the Golf Operations Director <br /> 1. Mr.Nowacki noted that fall aerifying has been done. <br /> 2. The weather has been hit and miss through the month. <br /> 3. Irrigation systems are being shut down for the season. <br /> 4. He has been talking with the Convention and Visitors Bureau about partnering with <br /> local hotels on a stay and play package with local golf courses. <br /> 5. The sectional cross country meet was held October 11 at Erskine. It went well. A $2 <br /> gate fee was charged for the first time to defer the lost revenues. <br /> 6. There was a recent problem with golf car batteries losing charge prematurely. After <br /> investigating and discussions with the car manufacturer, 390 batteries were replaced at <br /> Elbel. 330 batteries will be replaced at Erskine. <br /> 7. He is soliciting quotes to demolish the house on the Elbel Golf Course. <br /> 8. Cart path paving will be done at Erskine. <br /> XI. Comments by Maintenance Superintendent <br /> 1. Mr. Mike Dyszkiewicz informed the Board that neighborhood leaf pickup has begun. <br /> 2. The Kelly Park project has stalled due to a lack of donor funds. <br /> 3. Book boxes have been constructed and installed in three locations in conjunction with <br /> Councilman Dieter. <br /> 4. Facility management and work order software is in the process of being implemented <br /> for the department. It will be used to track costs and schedule repairs and routine <br /> maintenance. <br /> 5. The Crossings School will be building benches over the winter for parks. <br /> 6. Heating systems are being turned on in our facilities and rest rooms in the parks are <br /> being closed for the season. Splash pads are also being winterized. <br /> 7. Ice Rink repairs have been ongoing for two and a half weeks. He feels there is a chance <br /> that the rink may not open because of the state of the deteriorated piping. It won't be <br /> known for sure until the pumps are turned on later to see if there are leaks that are <br /> hidden at this point. <br /> 8. At the Ella Morris Conservatory, leaks have been an issue. The old caulking in the <br /> window panes is allowing water to enter the building. Repair options are being <br /> considered. <br />