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South Bend Common Council <br />RE: Gateway Plaza Real Estate, LLC. <br />October 29, 2008 <br />Page 2 <br />Total taxes to be abated during the (3) three-year abatement period are estimated at $79,214. Total <br />taxes to be paid during the (3) three-year abatement period are estimated at $56,076. <br />EMPLOYMENT IMPACT <br />Per the petition, it is estimated that the project, by itself, will not create additional full-time or part- <br />time permanent jobs within the first year of the project, but will enable a tenant, Memorial Health <br />Systems, to move and allow for future growth. Memorial will maintain 14 existing permanent full- <br />time jobs with an annual payroll of $858,924 including one existing permanent full-time minority <br />employee with an annual payroll of $170,000. <br />The total possible gains in employment resulting from construction of the building will depend on <br />the kinds of businesses that locate in it and cannot be estimated at this time, therefore, the petitioner <br />has not presented any projections on jobs created. As a result, no points were awarded for job <br />creation in the Public Benefit Points Summary. However, much like the State of Indiana's Shovel <br />Ready Industrial Park Program, the building will facilitate job creation by providing the necessary <br />infrastructure for new investments to be made quickly and easily by businesses looking to start-up or <br />expand. <br />ABATEMENT QUALIFICATION <br />A review of the tax abatements previously granted finds that the petitioner has not been granted <br />or associated with any previous tax abatements. <br />2. The Building Commissioner has reviewed the petition and finds the property to be properly <br />zoned for the proposed project. <br />3. A review of the South Bend Redevelopment designation azeas finds that the property is located <br />in the Airport Economic Development Area, which is a Tax Incremental Allocation Area; <br />therefore, the petition for real property tax abatement must first be approved by the South Bend <br />Redevelopment Commission. <br />4. A review of the Tax Abatement Ordinance No. 9394-03 finds that the petitioner does not meet <br />the qualifications for a real property tax abatement under the general standazds for tax abatement <br />in the City of South Bend. However, the Ordinance does provide for an exception to the general <br />standards, at the South Bend Common Council's discretion. A (3) three-year real property tax <br />abatement is being sought as a special exception. <br />