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I <br /> k <br /> I <br /> allocation area, and the Commission deems it advisable to consolidate the CDA Territory, the <br /> WWC Territory into the Original Airport Allocation Area but retain the base assessment dates <br /> that exist with respect to the CDA Territory and the WWC Territory, respectively, and expand <br /> the Original Airport Allocation Area to include the Expansion Area with a base assessment date <br /> for such Expansion Area as determined by Section 39 of the Act; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Plan Amendment conforms to other development and <br /> redevelopment plans for the City; <br /> NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the South Bend Redevelopment <br /> Commission as follows: <br /> 1. The Commission hereby terminates the Downtown Medical Services <br /> District as an allocation area for purposes of Section 39 of the Act. Such termination is effective <br /> as of March 1, 2014, the last assessment date prior to the date of this Resolution. <br /> 2. The Commission hereby determines that the CDA Territory, the WWC <br /> Territory and the Expansion each shall comprise an economic development area and that the Plan <br /> Amendment: <br /> (a) promotes significant opportunities for the gainful employment of <br /> the citizens of the City; <br /> (b) retains or expands a significant business enterprise existing in the <br /> boundaries of the City; and <br /> 1 <br /> (c) meets the other purposes of Sections 2.5, 41 and 43 of the Act. <br /> 3. The Commission hereby finds and determines that the Plan Amendment <br /> I cannot be achieved by regulatory processes or by the ordinary operations of private enterprise <br /> without resort to the powers allowed under Sections 2.5, 41 and 43 of the Act because of lack of <br /> local public improvements or other similar conditions. <br /> i <br /> 4. The Commission hereby finds and determines that the public health and <br /> welfare will be benefited by accomplishment of the Plan Amendment. <br /> 5. The Commission hereby finds and determines that the accomplishment of <br /> t the Plan Amendment will be of public utility and benefit as measured by: <br /> 1 <br /> 3 <br /> (a) the attraction or retention of permanent jobs; <br /> (b) an increase in the property tax base; <br /> (c) improved diversity of the economic base; and <br /> (d) other similar public benefits. <br /> I <br /> - 4 - <br /> US.54706909.04 <br /> 1 <br /> 3 <br /> 1 <br />