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i <br /> i 1 <br /> t <br /> WHEREAS, the Department, pursuant to the Act, has conducted surveys and <br /> investigations and has thoroughly studied the CDA Territory, the WWC Territory and the <br /> Expansion Area; and <br /> WHEREAS, upon such surveys, investigations and studies being made, the <br /> Commission finds that the Plan Amendment, which Plan Amendment is attached hereto as <br /> Exhibit F attached hereto and made a part hereof and is hereinafter adopted in this Resolution, <br /> cannot be achieved by regulatory processes or by the ordinary operations of private enterprise <br /> without resort to the powers allowed under the Act because of lack of local public improvements <br /> and multiple ownership of land and that the public health and welfare will be benefited by the <br /> accomplishment of the Plan Amendment; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Commission has caused to be prepared maps and plats of the <br /> CDA Territory, the WWC Territory, and the Expansion Area showing the boundaries of the <br /> CDA Territory, the WWC Territory, and the Expansion Area, the location of the various parcels <br /> of property, streets and alleys and other features affecting the acquisition, clearance, replatting, <br /> replanning, rezoning, or redevelopment of the CDA Territory, the WWC Territory, and the <br /> Expansion Area, and the parts of the CDA Territory, the WWC Territory, and the Expansion <br /> Area that are to be devoted to public ways, levees, sewerage, parks, playgrounds, and other <br /> public purposes under the plans for the economic development of the CDA Territory, the WWC <br /> Territory, and the Expansion Area as adopted herein; and <br /> WHEREAS, there was presented to this meeting of the Commission for its <br /> consideration and approval, a copy of the Plan Amendment, which Plan Amendment is attached <br /> hereto as Exhibit F; and <br /> WHEREAS, with approval of the Plan Amendment, which provides for the <br /> inclusion of the CDA Territory, the WWC Territory, and the Expansion Area within the Original <br /> Airport Area, the Commission will have opportunities to promote significant opportunities for <br /> the gainful employment of the citizens of the City, attract major new business enterprises to the <br /> City, retain or expand significant business enterprises existing in the boundaries of the City and <br /> meet the other purposes of Section 2.5, 41 and 43 of the Act; and <br /> WHEREAS, the public health and welfare will be benefited by the economic <br /> development of the CDA Territory and the WWC Territory through their consolidation with the <br /> Airport Area under the provisions of the Act and by the economic development of the Expansion <br /> Area through the addition of the Expansion Area to the Airport Area under the provisions of the <br /> Act, and the Plan Amendment will be of public utility and benefit as measured by the attraction <br /> or retention of permanent jobs, an increase in the property tax base and improved diversity of the <br /> 4 <br /> economic base; and <br /> WHEREAS, Section 43 of the Act establishes that an economic development area <br /> may be an allocation area for the purposes of distribution and allocation of property taxes; and <br /> WHEREAS, Section 39 of the Act has been enacted and amended to permit the <br /> creation of allocation areas within an economic development area to provide for the allocation <br /> and distribution, as provided in the Act, of the proceeds of taxes levied on property situated in an <br /> i <br /> i - 3 - <br /> US.54706909.04 <br /> 1 <br /> i <br /> 1 <br /> I <br />