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tto J <br />EVELYN A HENNESSY, <br />CITY. CLERIC <br />PETITION "_'0 RE- ZOTv�' �.-... <br />TO T-L CO[ -':0'T COII lC,_L OF THE C TV 07 SO'JT BE -j'M, i7DIA,)TA. <br />The undersined petitioner would represent and show to the <br />Honorable Cordmon Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, <br />that he is the legal owner of the folloWing described real estate <br />situate in tike City of South Bend, County of 36• Joseph, State <br />of Indiana, to -wait: ' <br />All of that real estate idnich consists of one (1) square <br />block in said City and County bounded on t1ne mast by I.Iiami Street <br />on the worth by Dubail Avenue, on the ?.est by Dale Avenue and <br />on the South by Dayton Street, all of which said. square block is <br />more - particularly and legally described as follows: <br />Lots Tumbered '-fifty -seven (57) through Seventy - <br />Six (76) inclusive in t',e Recorded Plat of <br />Oak ;ark Second Addition, an Addition to the <br />City of South send, Indiana. <br />Your petitioner w,rould further represent and shown to this <br />Honorable ?ody that at the time of the recording of the plat <br />herein above set forth that there vTere various and divers alleys <br />running :oast and 'fiest and 1,o-r1th and South through said square <br />block and i,hat all of said alleys have heretofore been vacated b, <br />legal ;rocess and the fee title thereto has by operation of lawn <br />reverted to the undersigned petitioner. <br />Your petitioner would further represent and show that Lots <br />Numbered Nifty Seven (57) through sixty four (64) inclusive in <br />O -k park Second Addition heretofore described in this petition, <br />are now zoned "C" Commercial as to usage and "E" .Height and Area <br />as to Height and r:rea 'District. <br />Your petitioner would further represent and show that all <br />the rest and remainder of said real estate heretofore described <br />with the e-cention of the alleys referred to, is zoned "A" <br />Residential as to usage and "A" Height and Area as to Height and <br />F_rea District. <br />1. <br />