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store building has been used primarily for residential purposes <br />in the last several years and it has been impossible for a <br />successful business establishment to be situated in the said <br />building by reason of its now poor commercial location. <br />That the said lots have lost all their value as commercial <br />real estate and have failed for that specific purpose, and the <br />only real value of the said lots lies in their use for residential <br />purposes. <br />WHEREFORE, your peritioners respectfully pray that the <br />Common Council of the City of South Bend amend the zoning <br />ordinance now in full force and effect and that the zoning class- <br />ification of said lots No. 95 and 96 in Kaley's First Sub - division <br />be changed from "C" use district and 1'D" height and area district <br />to either "A" or "B" use district and "A" or "B" height and area <br />district, whichever in the opinion of the Honorable Common Council <br />of the City of South Bend would best conform to the manner in <br />which the said area has actually developed. <br />State of Indiana ) <br />)SS: <br />St. Joseph County) <br />Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County <br />and State personally appeared the said named Albin J. Jez and <br />Josephine T. Jez, who first being duly sworn upon their oath, <br />acknowledged the execution of the foregoing petition as being true <br />to their best knowledge and belief, this day of iA� <br />1953. <br />M <br />Commission Expires <br />-i s -� s <br />