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i1 D� '1 ° 1353 <br />MAYME DU MONI <br />CITY CLERK. <br />PETITION FOR CHANGE OF ZONING <br />HONORABLE COMMON COUNCIL <br />OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND. <br />Comes now Albin J. Jez and Josephine T. Jez, husband and <br />wife, who now respectfully represent and show to the Honorable <br />Common Council of the City of South Bend, the following, to -wit: <br />That they are the fee simple owners of the following <br />described real estate situated in South Bend, St. Joseph County, <br />Indiana, to -wit: <br />Lots Numbered Ninety -five (95) and Ninety -six <br />(96) in Kaley's First Sub- division to the City <br />of South Bend. <br />That the said lots are located in a "C" use district and <br />a "D" height and area district, by virtue of the Zoning Ordinance <br />now in full force and effect, being Ordinance No. 3702 Amendatory <br />of Ordinance No. 2331. <br />That the said lots are specifically located at the Northwest <br />intersection of Fremont and Kenwood Streets in the City of South <br />Bend; That at the time the lots were originally zoned, they were <br />a part of an overall plan for development of industrial, commercia <br />and residential areas in and near the South Bend plant of the Bend <br />Aviation Corporation, and at the time the said lots were zoned it <br />reasonably expected that this area would develop as expected <br />and the said lots and that the said lots would be required for <br />commercial uses to serve the residential area then developing. <br />That in truth and in fact the area did not develop as it was <br />expected, and that the area in question has for a long time been <br />used primarily for residential purposes, and that at the present <br />time there is no need for commercial areas where these particular <br />lots are located, with the exception of one store building located <br />directly East of the lots owned by your petitioners, but the said <br />t <br />