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page 5. <br />installed in accordance therewith on all oil fired steam boilers. <br />5,. Limit Control & Low ?Water Fuel Cutoff in Main Circuit. Limitr <br />Controls and low water fuel cutoffs which, by operating, interrupt. <br />the electric power supply to the burner shall be so arranged as to <br />open the main line current supply to the burner, whether the switch - <br />ing is integral with the sensing element or remote from same. <br />6. Combustion Air - Oil Interlock. In installations equipped with forced <br />or induced draft fans, or both, approved means shall be provided to <br />immediately shut off the oil supply upon air supply failure. Controls <br />actuated by failure of the power supply to the blower motor do not <br />meet this requirement. This does not apply to heat vaporization <br />burners listed by Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. <br />7, Grade of Fuel Oil. The grade of fuel oil used with any burner shall <br />be one which tests and experience show to be suitable for use with <br />that burner. The oil shall have a flash point not less than 11OF <br />when tested by the Pensky - Martins Closed Cup Testing Method, and shall <br />be free from acid, grit and-fibrous or other foreign matter likely to <br />clog or injure the burners or valves. <br />8. Fuel for Gas Pilot. The use of any fuel other than natural gas in the <br />gas pilot of any fuel oil burner is prohibited without special permis- <br />sion of the Department. <br />9. Gas Pilot Piping. Gas pilot supply piping shall be provided with an <br />approved shut -off valve near the pilot burner, with an approved <br />properly vented gas pressure regulator and shall conform with Article <br />%II on gas piping. <br />10. Ventilation of Trapped Vapors. Ventilation shall be provided to pre- <br />vent the accumulation of any trapped vapors below the combustion <br />chamber. <br />11. Oil Preheaters.. Preheating of oil, where necessary, shall be done by <br />steam, hot watery or approved electric heaters. Heaters shall be <br />substantially constructed with all joints made oil tight. Thermostats <br />shall be installed at suitable locations to indicate the temperature <br />of the heated oil. Heaters shall be by- passed or provided with <br />suitable means to prevent abnormal pressure. Means shall be provided <br />to prevent introduction of oil or other liquid harmful to boiler <br />operation into the boiler. <br />12. Oil Strainers. Oil supply lines to burners shall be provided with <br />approved strainers. <br />SECTION 8. LICENSES REQUIRED. <br />Except as otherwise provided in Section One (1), no person, firm or <br />corporation shall in any manner undertake to execute or perform any work <br />of installing, maintaining, or altering or repairing any warm air heating, <br />residential air conditioning or ventilating equipment or system unless such <br />person, firm or corporation is the holder of a Class A Warm Air Heating, <br />Residential Air Conditioning or Ventilating Contractor's License as <br />defined, and has a certificate therefore as provided for in Section Nine <br />(9) of this Ordinance; nor shall any person, firm or corporation execute <br />or perform such work otherwise than as specifically permitted under the <br />class of license held by such person, firm or corporation except that such <br />provision shall not apply to any person employed by and working under the <br />direction of a holder of a Class A ?Warm Air Heating, Residential Air <br />Conditioning and Ventilating Contractor's License. <br />SECTION 9. CLASSES OF LICENSES. <br />Four (4) classes of licenses and certificates which shall be known <br />respectively as Class A: Warm lair Heating, Residential Air Conditioning <br />and Ventilating Dealer License; Class B: for the sale and installation <br />of conversion burners in existing furnaces; Class C: Journey men Warm <br />