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page 4. <br />Unless factory assembled within the housing of the unit, main gas <br />shut-off valve shall be located a minimum of four (4) feet above the floor. <br />When gas conversion burners are installed in any type of warm air <br />heating equipment, the bottom of the draft diverter shall be above the <br />highest point of the heat exchanger. <br />An approved electric switch shall be installed on warm air heating <br />or residential air conditioning device or equipment for the purpose of <br />disconnecting all undergrounded conductorst <br />All electrical wiring for warm air heating, residential air con- <br />ditioning or ventilating equipment or system shall be installed by a <br />licensed electrical contractor and in conformity with the local electrical <br />ordinance. <br />A separate electrical circuit of proper voltage and capacity shall be <br />run from the main service to warm air heating and residential air con - <br />ditioning equipment or systeml This circuit shall be used for this equip- <br />ment onlyl <br />Oil tanks or other equipment shall not be placed within three (3) <br />feet of the eledtriettervice fuse panels or breakers. <br />The location of kitchen ventilating fans when vented by duct system <br />shall be placed at least four (4) feet above cooking unit. If vented <br />directly through an outside wall with no duct system except the fan <br />housing, no regulation as to location is hereby specified. <br />INSTALLATION - OIL BURNING EQUIPMENT <br />(Burners, Controls, Apparatus, etei) <br />le Combus�,ion,:Safoguards. Each oilburner shall be provided with an <br />approved automatic combustion safeguard which will effectively <br />prevent the abnormal discharge of oil in case of ignition failure <br />or flame failure. <br />a. Hcat vaporization burners shall be provided with an approved <br />constant level and anti - flooding device. <br />b. Oil burners other than heat vaporization burners whose firing <br />rate does not exceed five (5) gallons per hour shall be provided <br />with an approved combustion safeguard device whose main burner <br />trial- for - ignition or flame failure timing period does not exceed <br />two (2) minutes. <br />c. Oil burners whose firing rate exceeds five (5) gallons per hour <br />shall be provided with an approved combustion safeguard whose <br />main burner trial- for - ignition timing does not exceed sixty (60) <br />seconds. <br />2. Domestic Type Rotary Vaporization Burners. Domestic Type vaporization <br />burners which operate on the vertical rotary principal shall be pro- <br />vided with constant level device arranged so as to prevent an abnor- <br />mal supply of oil to the burner. <br />3. Limit Controls. All oil burning equipment shall be provided with an <br />approved means of automatically shutting off the burner when the <br />limits of temperature and /or pressure hereinafter specified are ex- <br />ceeded; except that this requirement shall not apply to oil fired <br />room heaters. In the case of a heat vaporization burner, this <br />control may place the burner on low -flame operation. <br />a. The setting of the limit control on a mechanical warm air furnace <br />shall not exceed 20OF except by special permission of the <br />Department. <br />b. The setting of the limit control on a gravity warm air furnace <br />shall not exceed 300F. _- <br />4. Low Water Fuel Cutoff. As required by the American Socisty of <br />Mechanical Engineers Boiler Code, a low water fuel cutoff shall be <br />