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page 10. <br />SECTION 20. BOJ'M OF REVIE64. <br />There is hereby created a Board of Review which shall consist of the <br />members of the Examining Board. Tho Board shall be paid the sum of Five <br />($5.00) Dollars per member for each day of service. Any person, firm or <br />corporation may register an appeal with the Board of Review for a review <br />of any decision of the warm air heating Inspector provided that such appeal is <br />made in writing within ten (10) days cfter such person, firm or corporation <br />shall have been notified of such decision by the Inspector. Upon receipt <br />of such appeal, the said Board shall proceed to determine whether the <br />action of the Inspector complies with this ordinance and within ten (10) . <br />days shall make a decision in accordance with its finding. Fear (4) <br />members of the Board present at any meeting shall constitute a quorum <br />for the transaction of business, and any action taken at any meeting <br />shall require the affirmative vote of at least four (4) members. The <br />decision of the Board shall be finali <br />SECTION 211 REVOCATION AND SUSPEI+SION OF LICENSES AND CERTIFICATES. <br />No license or certificate issued in accordance with the provisions <br />of this Ordinance shall be assignable or transferable. Any such license <br />may, after hearing be suspended for a definite length of time, or re- <br />voked by the Board of Review, if the person, firm or corporation holding <br />such license wilfully or by reason of incompetence, violates any Ordin ^nce <br />of the City of South Bend, or any statute of the State of Indiana, relating <br />to the installation, maintenance, alterations or repair of warm air heating, <br />residential air conditioning or ventilating equipment or system, or any <br />orders, rules or regulations issued by authority thereof. <br />SECTION 22. PENALTIES. <br />Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions <br />of this Ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction <br />hereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than Ten ($10.00) Dollars, <br />nor more than One Hundred($100.00) Dollars for each offense, together with <br />the costs of the prosecution, and if such person, firm or corporation is <br />the holder of any license provided for in this Ordinance such conviction <br />shall have the effect of suspending said license until such time as such <br />suspension shall have been lifted by the Board. <br />SECTION 23. LIABILITY FOR DAti.GE. <br />This Ordinance shall not'be construed to relieve from or lesson the <br />responsibility or liability of any party owning, operating, controlling or <br />installing any warm air heating, residential air conditioning and ventil- <br />ating equipment or system for damages to persons or property, caused by <br />any defect therein, nor shall the City of South Bend, be held as assuming <br />any such liability by reason of the examination authorized herein <br />or by the license and certificate therefor issued as herein provided. <br />SECTION 24. VALIDITY. <br />I£ any section, sub - section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance <br />is, for any reason, held to be unconstitutional, such decision shall not <br />affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Act. The City Council <br />of the City of South Bend, hereby declares that it would have passed this <br />Ordinance and each section, sub - section, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, <br />irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, sub - sections, <br />sentences, clauses or phrases be declared unconstitutional. <br />SECTION 25. REPEAL OF CONFLICTING ORDINANCES. <br />All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict with the provisions <br />of this Ordinance are hereby repealed. <br />let L• 2nd AEGP;JjA&3'a1y- -r9 <br />SECTION 26. EFFECTIVE DATE. <br />COW TTEE $F F;i= <br />PUKIC HE0111; is Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its <br />tion, approval by the Mayor and legal,,publication. <br />3rd Y.s S � <br />[ { <br />02 G s'3 bar of the Common Council <br />//- oT -33 3 -S 9 zs 3 jj <br />