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page S. <br />to whom the license is issued. The same person shall not be designated <br />as representative in two or more licenses issued to different persohs, <br />firms or corporations. <br />SECTION 14. CHi:NGE OF REPRESF,NTATIVE. <br />In the event that the business association of the representative <br />with, or employment of the representative by the holder of <br />the license shall terminate, the holder of the license shall immediately <br />notify the Board of such termination and said license shall become null <br />and void ten (10) days after the next regular examination date. A new <br />license shall be issued to the holder of the expired license in accord- <br />ance with the provisions of the foregoing sections of this Ordinance, <br />except that no fee shall be charged for the unexpired term of said <br />license, <br />SECTION 15. OERTIFICATFS. <br />Each certificate for a license shall specify the name of the person, <br />firm or corporation to whom the license is issued, the name of the <br />persons designated as the representativep and the expiration date. <br />Each holder of a license shall keep his, their or its certificate <br />of license displayed in a conspicuous place in his, their or its <br />principal place of business. <br />SECTION 16. PERMITS. <br />No warm air heatingy residential air conditioning or ventilating <br />equipment or system shall be installed within or on any building structure <br />or premises publicly or privately owned, nor shall any alteration or <br />addition be made in any existing equipment without first securing a permit <br />therefor from the Inspector. <br />SECTION 17, FEES FOR PERMITS 111D INSP?CTIONS. <br />Before any permit is granted for the installation or alteration of <br />warm air heating, residential air conditioning or ventilating equipment <br />or system, the person, firm or corporation making application for such <br />permit shall pay the clerk a fee in such amount as specified below: <br />A. For each unnecessary trip of inspection caused by defective or <br />incorrect information, a charge of 62.00 shell be made in <br />addition to the regular fee. <br />B. Coal; oil or gas fired furnace, residential air conditioner of <br />1 ton or more and ventilating equipment $5.00 each <br />Oil or gas conversion burners up to <br />300,000 input $3.00 each <br />Oil or gas conversion burners over <br />300,000 input $5.00 each <br />Stokers $3.00 each <br />Repairs or alteration over $100.00 $3.00 each <br />Residential Air Conditioners or <br />Window coolers to 1 ton $3.00 each <br />Fixed space heaters - floor furnaces - <br />wall heaters $3.00 each <br />Room'space heaters <br />$1.00 each <br />C, If any person, firm or corporation shall unlawfully do any <br />work covered by this Ordinance without obtaining a permit, <br />