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Smokeffee Air Ordinance of 2014 -2"" Substitute Bill No. 31 -14 <br />Page 14 <br />(e) The City A t4e fae 0 e Department of Law is authorized to bring civil <br />action against any alleged violator of this Article for all unpaid fines, and any and all expenses <br />incurred by the City to enforce the provisions of this Article to seek compliance from the alleged <br />violator. <br />(t) Each day on which a violation of this Article occurs shall be considered a <br />separate and distinct violation. Each violation of this Article shall constitute a separate offense. <br />See.-1447. Sec. 14 -76. Public Education. <br />The Department of Code Enforcement shall engage in a continuing program to explain and <br />clarify the purposes and requirements of this Article to citizens affected by it, and to guide <br />owners operators, and managers in their compliance with it. The program may include <br />publication of a brochure for affected businesses and individuals explaining the provisions of this <br />Article. <br />Sec. 14 -77. Other Applicable Laws. <br />This Article shall not be interpreted or construed to permit smoking where it is otherwise <br />restricted by other applicable laws. <br />Sec. 14 -78. Liberal Construction. <br />This Article shall be liberally construed so as to further its purposes. <br />Sec. 14 -79 Through Sec. 14 -92 Reserved. <br />Section II. Severability: If any provision, clause, sentence, or paragraph of this Article or the <br />application thereof to any person or circumstances shall be held invalid, that invalidity shall not <br />affect the other provisions of this Article which can be given effect without the invalid provision <br />or application, and to this end the provisions of this Article are declared to be severable. <br />Section III. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect on June 1, 2015, and ffem and after <br />sixty (60) after the passage by the Common Council, approval by the Mayor and legal <br />publication. <br />Council Member Gavin Ferlic <br />Council Member Tim Scott <br />Council Member Dr. Fred Ferlic <br />