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Smokefree Air Ordinance of 2014 -2nd Substitute Bill No. 31 -14 <br />Page 13 <br />violation refuses to leave the premises the owner, manager, operator, or employee shall contact a <br />law enforcement agency. <br />(f) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Article, an employee or private citizen <br />may bring legal action to enforce this Article. <br />(g) In addition to the remedies provided by the provisions of this Section, the <br />Department of Law or any person aggrieved by the failure of the owner, operator, manager, or <br />other person in control of a public place or a place of employment to comply with the provisions <br />of this Article may apply for injunctive relief to enforce those provisions in any court of <br />comnetent iurisdiction. <br />See. 14 -75. Violations and Penalties <br />(a) Any one violating any of the provisions of this Article shall be subject to the <br />following penalties: <br />1. Citations: For the first violation in a calendar year, a citation shall be issued <br />imposed a fine of fifty dollars ($50.00); one hundred dollars for the 2 "a <br />violation-, and two hundred fifty dollars for all violations thereafter with such <br />fines payable through the Ordinance Violations Bureau <br />Each violation shall constitute a separate offense. <br />(b) Except as otherwise provided in Section 14 -74 (a) a person who owns <br />manages, operates or otherwise controls a public place or place of employment and who fails to <br />comply with the provisions of this Article shall be guilty of an infraction, punishable by: <br />1. A fine of one hundred dollars ($100) for a first violation. <br />2. A fine of two hundred fiftv dollars ($250) for a second violation within one (1 <br />year. <br />3. A fine of one thousand dollars ($1,000) for each additional violation within <br />one (1) year. <br />(c) In addition to the fines established by this Section, violation of this Article by <br />a person who owns manages, operates or otherwise controls a public place or place of <br />employment may result in the suspension or revocation of any permit or license issued to the <br />person for the premises on which the violation occurred. — <br />(d) Repeated violation of this Article is declared to be a public nuisance, which <br />may be abated by the Department of Law seeking a restraining order, preliminary and permanent <br />injunction or other means provided for by law, and may bring action to recover the costs of the <br />nuisance abatement. <br />