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For other diseases such tests and examinations as the health officer <br />may require shall be made at intervals and by methods prescribed by him, and <br />any diseased animals or reactors shall be disposed of as he may require. <br />B. Milk and Milk Products from Points Beyond Inspection of City. <br />Milk and milk products from points beyond the limits of routine inspection of <br />the City may not be sold in the City or its police jurisdiction unless produced <br />or pasteurized under provisions equivalent to the requirements of this section; <br />provided, that the health officer shall require evidence that the health officer <br />having jurisdiction over the production and processing is properly enforcing <br />such provisions. <br />All such milk and milk products offered to sale in the City of South <br />Bend, or its police jurisdiction, must be processed in plants which process ex- <br />clusively milk and milk products which comply with the Grade "A" standard of <br />the City of South Bend. <br />C. Grade A Milk and Milk Products. Grade A Milk and milk pro- <br />ducts, as referred to in the aforesaid regulation shall in this .ordinance be taken <br />to mean and include: Raw and pasteurized milk, extra rich milk, Jersey milk, <br />Guernsey milk, homogenized milk, flavored milk, skimmed milk, flavored <br />skimmed milk, buttermilk, creamed buttermilk, cultured buttermilk, creamed <br />cultured buttermilk, goatTs milk, milk fat, light cream, whipping cream; a <br />mixture of milk and cream, cottage cheese, creamed cottage cheese, concen- <br />trated milk and any other product made by the addition of any substance to milk <br />or to any of these products and used. for similar purposes and designated as a <br />milk product by the health officer. <br />For the purpose of interpreting the aforesaid requirements until <br />January 1, 1957, the unabridged form of Public Health Service Bulletin No. 200, <br />The 1939 Edition, entitled, "Milk Ordinance and Code, Recommended by the <br />United States Public Health Service, " shall be used. After that date the unabridged <br />form of the Public Health Service publication No. 229, 1953 edition, entitled, <br />"Milk Ordinance and Code Recommended by the Public Health Service, " shall be <br />used. Two copies of said regulations of the Indiana State Board of Health and <br />said publication of Public Health Service then in effect shall be on file in the <br />office of the health officer for public inspection. <br />SECTION 3. THE SALE OF UNGRADED MILK OR MILK PRODUCTS PROHIBITED. <br />No person shall within the municipality of South Bend, Indiana, or its police juris- <br />diction, produce, sell, offer or expose for sale, or have in possession with intent <br />to sell, any milk or milk product which is ungraded. It shall be unlawful for any <br />person, elsewhere than in a private home, to have in possession any ungraded <br />milk or milk product; provided, that, in an emergency the sale of ungraded <br />pasteurized milk or pasteurized milk products may be authorized by the health <br />officer, upon the approval of the State health authority, in which case they shall <br />be labeled "ungraded." <br />SECTION 4. PERMITS. It shall be unlawful for any person to bring into, send <br />into, or receive into the municipality of South Bend, Indiana, or its police juris- <br />diction, for sale, or to sell, or offer for sale therein, or to have in storage where <br />milk or milk products are sold or served, any milk or milk products defined in <br />this ordinance, who does not possess a permit from the health officer of the muni" <br />cipality of South Bend, Indiana, <br />"2. <br />