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< ..........................13.f <br />ORDINANCE NO 4096 <br />AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE TO REGULATE <br />THE PRODUCTION, TRANSPORTATION, PROCESSING, <br />HANDLING, SAMPLING, EXAMINATION, GRADING, LABELING, <br />REGRADING, AND SALE OF MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS= THE <br />INSPECTION OF DAIRY HERDS, DAIRIES,, AND MILK PLANTS; <br />THE ISSUING AND REVOCATION OF PERMITS. TO MILK PRO- <br />DUCERS MILK HAULERS, AND DISTRIBUTORS; PERMIT FEES; <br />APPOINTMENT OF INSPECTORS AND SANITARY POLICE; RE- <br />PEALING ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN <br />CONFLICT HEREWITH AND FIXING PENALTIES, <br />BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana: <br />SECTION 1. SUPERVISION. The health officer having jurisdiction within the <br />territorial limits of the City of South Bend, Indiana, or his authorized repre. <br />sentative shall have supervision over the production, transportation, processing, <br />handling, sampling, examination, grading, regrading, labeling, and sale of all <br />milk and milk products sold at retail or wholesale within the City of South Bend, <br />Indiana, or its police jurisdiction; the inspection of dairy herds, dairies, and <br />milk plants; and the issuuig and revoreation of permits to milk producers, milk <br />haulers, and distributors. <br />SECTION 2. GRADE A MILK ORDINANCE. The health officer having juris- <br />diction within the territorial limits of the City of South Bend, Indiana, in the <br />performance of his duties under Section 1 of this ordinance, shall adopt as <br />standards to be followed, the provision in paragraph HDP4H entitled "Grade A <br />Milk and Milk Products" of regulations of the Indiana Stat6 Board of Health duly <br />passed on September 13, 1945, and filed with the Secretary of State on October <br />18, 1945 as amended by the State Board of Health on February 19, 1954, and <br />filed with the Secretary of State on March 17, 1954, of the regulations of the <br />State Board of Health entitled "Regulations Relating to Dairy Products Including <br />Definitions and Standards of Identity." In addition to the requirements contained <br />in the aforesaid regulations, all milk for pasteurization shall come from herds <br />conforming to the following: <br />A. Cows, Tuberculosis and Other Diseases. Except as provided <br />hereinafter, a tuberculin test of all herds and additions thereto shall be made <br />before any milk therefrom is sold, and at least once every twehve (12): months <br />thereafter, by a licensed veterinarian approved by the State livestock sanitary <br />authority. Said tests shall be made and. reactors disposed of in accordance with <br />the requirements approved by the United States Department of Agriculture, <br />Bureau of Animal Industry for accredited herds. A certificate signed by the <br />veterinarian or attested to by the Health officer and filed with the health officer <br />shall be evidence of the above test. <br />Cows which show an extensive or entire induration of one or more <br />quarters of the udder upon physical examination, whether secreting abnormal <br />milk or not, shall be permanently excluded from the milking herd. Cows giving <br />bloody, stringy, or otherwise abnormal milk, but with only slight induration of <br />the udder, shall be excluded from the herd until reexamination shows that the <br />milk has become normal. <br />