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SECTION 4. Discrimination in Employment Practices Prohibited <br />It shall be unlawful for employers, employees, labor organizations, <br />employment agencies or others subject to this ordinance to: <br />(a) Discriminate against any person with regard to hire, discharge, <br />tenure, up grading terms, conditions or privileges of employment or <br />membership in any labor organization solely on the grounds of race, <br />religious creed, color, national origin or ancestry. <br />(b) Publish or cause to be published any information, notice or adver- <br />tisement relating to employment or membership which contains any speci- <br />fications or limitations as to race, religious creed, color, national <br />origin or ancestry. <br />(c) Require of any applicant as a condition of employment or membership <br />any information concerning his race, religious creed, color, national <br />origin or ancestry. <br />(d) Aid, abet, encourage or incite the commission of any discrimination <br />prohibited by this ordinance. <br />(e) To discriminate against any person because he opposed any practice <br />prohibited by this ordinance or because he made a charge, testified or <br />assisted in any manner in any investigation, proceeding or hearing as <br />provided herein. <br />SECTION 5. Discrimination in Employment Practices Prohibited in Cit <br />The City of South Bend shall prohibit all the discriminatory practices <br />set forth in Section 4 in all its departments, divisions, boards and <br />commissions; or the commission of said discriminatory practice by any <br />city officials, their agents or employees acting for or on behalf of <br />said city. <br />The City of South Bend and all of its contracting agencies and department! <br />shall include in all public works contracts hereafter negotiated a pro- <br />vision obligating the public works contractor not to commit any of the <br />discriminatory practices set forth in Section 4 and shall require such <br />contractor to include a similar provision in all sub - contracts. <br />This provision shall apply to all public works contracts and said sub- <br />contracts carried on by said city or on property under its ownership <br />or control. <br />SECTION 6. Authorized Exemptions <br />Exempt from the requirements of this law shall be: <br />(a) Any employer of less than twelve people; nor shall members of the <br />immediate family of an employer be included -in determining the number <br />of employees. <br />(b) Any bona fide religious organization whose membership or service <br />is limited to persons of a single religious faith. <br />(c) Any private organization having a purely social or fraternal purpose <br />(d) Any type of employment where religious creed, national origin or <br />ancestry would be considered an essential qualification of employment. <br />