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(b) Keep said establishment free from loiterers or any persons <br />having no legitimate or valid purpose for entering or remaining on said premises. <br />(c) Keep said establishment clean and free from any accumulation <br />of combustible materials and to remove from said drying machines and from <br />the vicinity thereof all accumulation of lint and any other combustible materials, <br />said removal of lint'and combustible materials to be performed at least once <br />every eight (8) hours that: said establishment is open for 'business'` <br />(d) Install and keep available fire extinguishers recommended <br />and approved by the South Bend Fire Department in the premises provided for <br />the self- service laundry. <br />a <br />SECTION III. Inspection. <br />It shall be the duty of the fire inspection bureau to inspect each and <br />every self- service laundry at least once every three (3) months for the purpose <br />of determining whether or-,not the owner or operator thereof is observing and <br />abiding by they rules and regulations of this article. <br />SECTION IV. Penalties. <br />Any violation of this article or failure to comply with any provision <br />of this article within thirty days after the effective date hereof, shall be punish- <br />able by a fine not to exceed Three Hundred ($300.00) Dollars, or by imprison' <br />ment not to exceed thirty (30) days, or both, and each day such violation shall <br />continue shall be deemed a separate and distinct offense. <br />SECTION V. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after <br />its passage by the Common Council, its approval by the Mayor and the fulfill- <br />ment of all statutory requirements relating thereto. <br />M & 2nd READING <br />COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE <br />' <br />PUBLIC HEARING �'^ � JJ 7 <br />3rd READING 11.I <br />NOT A'Pi °)l U <br />CEFE� '(EU <br />IFAM i Xj + 7 <br />L. <br />Mlembo of the Common Council <br />M <br />NOV 2257 p" <br />=2 <br />r; <br />