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STATE OF INDIANA ) <br />) SS <br />ST. JOSEPH COUNTY ) <br />IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION <br />OF AUSTIN F. RIGGS AND LILA <br />A. RIGGS, HUSBAND AND WIFE; <br />LEW A DOKEY AND NELLIE DOKEY, <br />HUSBAND AND WIFE; ) <br />LOWELL L. DOKEY AND MYRTLE <br />E. DOKEY, HUSBAND AND WIFE; <br />GEORGE B. SYSON AND SARAH <br />F. SYSON, HUSBAND AND WIFE; <br />ANTONI MARCANKOWSKI AND ANTO- <br />NINA MARCANKOWSKI, HUSBAND <br />AND WIFE; AND <br />ARTHUR F. REASOR, <br />FOR REZONING OF REAL ESTATE. <br />BEFORE THE COMMON COUNCIL <br />OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND <br />PETITION FOR REZONING OF <br />REAL ESTATE <br />TO: The common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana <br />Come now Austin F. Riggs and Lila A. Riggs, husband and wife; <br />Lew A. Dokey and Nellie Dokey, husband and wife; Lowell L. Dokey and <br />Myrtle E. Kokey, husband and wife; George B. Syson and Sarah F. Syson, <br />husband and wife; Antoni Marcankowski and Antonina Marcankowski, hus- <br />band and wife; and Arthur F. Reasor, and respectfully petition and <br />show this honorable body the following; <br />1. That the petitioners each own parts of the following des- <br />cribed real estate in the City of South Bend, St. Joseph County, <br />State of Indiana and the total of said parts is all of, <br />Lots Numbered 113, 114, and 115 in Sorin's Second <br />Addition to the City of South Bend, <br />which is now zoned and classified under the zoning ordiance of the <br />City of South Bend, being known as Ordinance Number 3702, as amended, <br />as "B" residential district and "A" height and area district. <br />2. That petitioners herein are requesting to have the above <br />described real estate rezoned and reclassified by amendment of said <br />zoning ordinance from the above classification to "C" commercial <br />district and "D" height and area district. <br />3. That in the event this petition is granted and said re- <br />zoning is permitted, petitioners are under contract to transfer their <br />said real estate to Arthur F. Reasor and his assignees who intend to <br />clear the above described real estate together with Lots Numbered <br />