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PETITION FOR A COMBINED PUBLIC HEARING <br />City of South Bend, Indiana <br />I (we) the undersigned make application to the City of South Bend Common Council to amend the zoning <br />ordinance as herein requested. <br />1) The property sought to be rezoned is located at: 1022 20 Street <br />2) The property Tax Key Number(s) is /are: 018 -6022 -0599 <br />3) Name and address of property owner(s) of the petition site: <br />Bach Investments <br />911 !Alain Street <br />Indianapolis, IN 46220 <br />317.584.8442 <br />kbach a, t)meccaconupanies•.coin <br />Name and address of additional property owners, if applicable: N/A <br />4) Name and address of contingent purchaser(s), if applicable: <br />N/A <br />Name and address of additional property owners, if applicable: N/A <br />5) it is desired and requested that this property be rezoned: <br />From: SF7. Single Family Two Family District Additional zoning district, ifapplicable <br />To: MFI Urban Corridor Multifamily District <br />6) This rezoning is requested to allow the following use(s): Expansion o(parkingarea to sere adjacent A177-1 <br />parcel to the .South. <br />7) If applicable, a detailed description and the purpose of the variance(s) being requested: Expansion of packing <br />area and green space to serve the tenants oj'The Annex at IUSB. Relia;f is sought for the.follosring <br />1. front yard selback.from 25'to pavement <br />2. side.vard setback from 25'to 18.9' <br />3. rear yard setback from 25'to 22.61 <br />4, perimeter landscaping on all 4 sides to 6' fence on W. N and E <br />5. parking screening in the front vend (16) to none (or provide this) <br />6 maneuvering aisle 24'to 18' (or change angle of' to 60 degrees) <br />8) A statement on how each of the following standards for the granting of variances is met: <br />(a) The approval will not be injurious to the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the <br />community: Relief ifgramed, for the parking Ico oul and landscaping will benefil the neighborhood by <br />providing additional off-street parking for the tenants of The Annex at IUSB. Specifically. the <br />landscape variance will ensure sgftey for the Tenants as lhye enter and exit their vehicles. The <br />ordinance as strictly enforced tivould permit larger plantings where obstructions wo:dd be preset and <br />reduce dear line -of sight for the residents. <br />