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c_ (-) <br /> CONTRACT FOR APPRAISAL SERVICES <br /> FOR BLACKTHORN GOLF COURSE <br /> (Valbridge Property Advisors) <br /> THIS CONTRACT is effective the 24th day of April,2014,by and between the South <br /> Bend Department of Redevelopment,acting by and through the South Bend Redevelopment <br /> Commission(the"Commission")and Valbridge Property Advisors the Oetzel-Hartman Group, <br /> having its principle place of business at 321 Woodland Pass,Suite 200,East Lansing,MI 48823 <br /> (the"Contractor"). <br /> WITNESSETH <br /> WHEREAS, the Commission desires to determine the value of the real estate commonly <br /> known as the Blackthorn Golf Course located within the City of South Bend and will need <br /> appraisals of said real estate(the"Services");and <br /> WHEREAS,the Contractor has experience and expertise in appraising real estate being <br /> used as a golf course;and <br /> WHEREAS,the Commission has determined that due to the Contractor's experience and <br /> expertise,it is in the best interests of the Commission to retain the Contractor to provide the <br /> Services with which the Contractor possesses both the experience and knowledge;and <br /> WHEREAS,the Contractor is willing to provide the Services subject to the terms and <br /> conditions of this Contract. <br /> NOW THEREFORE,for and in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises <br /> contained herein,the Commission and the Contractor hereby agree as follows; <br /> Section 1. Duties of the Contractor. The Contractor shall provide the Services which are <br /> more particularly described at Exhibit"A"attached hereto and incorporated herein. The <br /> Contractor shall execute its responsibilities by following and applying at all times the highest <br /> professional and technical guidelines and standards. <br /> Section 2. Consideration. The Contractor will be paid as set forth at Exhibit"A". Payment <br /> shall be due upon delivery by the Contractor to the Commission of the written appraisal. The <br /> total consideration under this Contract shall not exceed the sum of Six Thousand Five Hundred <br /> and 00/100 Dollars(56,500.00)_ Any payment that the Commission may deny or withhold or <br /> delay shall not be subject to penalty or interest under Indiana Code§5-17-5. <br /> Section 3. Term. This Contract shall be effective for a period of Sixty(60)days beginning <br /> on the date of written notice to proceed given to the Contractor,(the"Effective Date")and shall <br /> end Sixty(60)days following(the"Expiration Date"). <br /> Section 4. Renewal Option. The Parties may mutually agree in writing to extend the term of <br /> this Contract subject to the same terms and conditions set forth in this Contract unless otherwise <br />