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NAMINTIWIWN� <br />On September 24, 2008 Sergeant Mark Szweda was found guilty of operating a vehicle while <br />intoxicated in violation of IC 9-30-5-2(b), a Class A misdemeanor in the Ell�hart County Superior <br />Court No. 4,, Cause Number 20D04-0808-CM-00408. Such conduct violates IC 36-8-3-4(b)(I) <br />r <br />'MOKIW11 <br />On August 4, 2008 Sergeant Mark Szweda, a member of the South Bend Police Department, while <br />off duty in the vicinity of Market and Rosenberger Streets, Nappanee, Indiana operated a motor <br />11) <br />vehicle while intoxicated, Said conduct violates IC 36-8-3-4(b)(2), Rules 302.00(A)(1), <br />of the South Bend Police Department Duty Manual, and IC36-8-3-4(b)(2)(B) and (H). <br />Chief Boykins recommended that Sergeant Szweda be suspended from duty without pay for tweiitly,- <br />one (2 1) calendar days. In addition to the suspension from duty, the Chief also will impose a two <br />year loss of his tak-e home vehicle which will be reduced to one year of official use only of the take <br />home car after successfid completion of an Alcohol Program. This official use only of his take horne <br />car privileges will begin immediately. <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Cottrell, seconded by Ms. Dempsey and carried, the Board accepted the <br />charges for filing and instructed the Clerk to prepare a letter to serve the Charges on Sergearl <br />Szwedal, and a Notice of Special Meeting on October 8, 2008 regarding the Charges. <br />FIRE DEPARTMENT <br />FILING OF MONTHLY STATISTICAL ANALYSIS REPORT - AUGUST 2008 <br />ADJOURNMENT <br />There being no fW-ther business to come before the Board, President Alford declared the meeting <br />adjourned at 9 :24 a. m. <br />