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-2- <br />2. The City Council shall refer same to the Area Plan <br />Commission for public hearing and recommendation. After public <br />hearing the Area Plan Commission shall: <br />a. Recommend approval as tendered; or <br />b. Recommend approval subject to modification; or <br />C. Recommend disapproval <br />of the petition to rezone, subject to the site development plan. <br />In the event the Area Plan Commission desires to recommend <br />approval subject to modification, such modification must be <br />accepted by the petitioner prior to recommendation by the Am a <br />Plan Commission to the City Council. Where approval is <br />recommended by the Area Plan Commission, the site development <br />plan shall be certified by the seal of the Area Plan Commission. <br />3. The City Council will act on the proposed petition to <br />rezone subject to the site development plan. <br />4. If the petition to rezone subject to the site develop- <br />ment plan is approved by the City Council, a certified copy <br />thereof shall be distributed to each of the following to insure <br />compliance therewith: <br />a. Area Plan Commission, <br />b. Building Commissioner of South Bend, <br />c. The petitioner. <br />The Building Commissioner is thereafter authorized to issue a <br />building permit in accordance with the site development plan <br />for the rezoned property. <br />5. For any change, modification or amendment to the site <br />development plan, the petitioner shall submit a request in <br />writing to the Area Plan Commission setting same forth in <br />detail. Where the change, modification or amendment involves <br />enlargement or relocation of buildings or uses, or where the <br />Area Plan Commission in its sole discretion believes it advis- <br />able, the petitioner must file a new petition to rezone subject <br />to the changed, modified or amended site development plan and <br />same will be determined in accordance with the procedure here to- <br />fore set forth. <br />6. The rezoning ordinance subject to the site development <br />plan shall constitute a limitation on the use of the premises <br />therein contained and shall be binding on all. <br />