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FILED IN CLERK'S OFFICE <br />19 1966 <br />ORDINANCE NO. l <br />IF KATHRYN L. BLOUGH <br />CITY CLERK, SOUTH BEND, IND. <br />AN ORDINANCE ENDING CHAPTER 40, <br />SECTION 40 -8 F THE MUNICIPAL CODE <br />OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA <br />BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, <br />INDIANA: <br />I Section l: <br />2 <br />3 That the Municipal Code of South Bend, Indiana shall be <br />4 amended so that Chapter 40, Section 40 -8, all be and read <br />5 as follows: (a <br />6 <br />7 <br />9 SECTION 40 -8 <br />10 (a) Any petition or ordinance for amendment, supplement, change <br />11 or repeal of the Zoning Ordinance or any part thereof not origin - <br />12 ating in the Area Plan Commission shall be referred to the plan <br />13 commission for consideration and report before any final action <br />14 is taken by the City Council. <br />15 <br />16 It is suggested that the petitioner consult informally with <br />17 the Executive Director of the Area Plan Commission prior to the <br />18 preparation of the rezoning petition. <br />19 <br />20 A rezoning petition shall be on the form provided, available <br />21 in the City Clerk's Office and all petitions for Use Districts <br />22 other than "A" "A_ '+ " ++ , 1 , A -2 , and 11C-211 and other than those <br />23 <br />24 originated by the Area Plan Commission, shall be accompanied by <br />25 an overall site development plan showing, but not limited to; <br />26 proposed land uses, number, type and location of buildings, build - <br />27 ing heights, open space allocations, on site parking provisions <br />28 and parking ratio, streets, setbacks, buffer strips, landscape <br />29 planting areas, tabulated data giving the proposed number and <br />30 type of units, gross acreage, proposed land coverage, floor and <br />31 land areas by use. <br />32 Rezoning to use districts other than "A". "A-1111 "A-211) <br />33 34 and "C -2" shall be accompanied by the data required herein and <br />35 subject to the following procedure: <br />37 1. Four copies of the completed petition to rezone subject <br />to the site development plan, shall be filed in the office of <br />30 the City Clerk. <br />