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Height and Area to 11C -1" Commercial and "B" Height and Area: <br />A tract of land 125 feet in width North and South <br />by 200 feet in length East and West taken out of <br />the Southeast corner of the following: A parcel <br />of land in the South East Quarter of the South East <br />Quarter of Section No. 5, Township No. 37 North, <br />Range No. 3 East, described as follows, viz: Be- <br />ginning on the East line of said Section No. 5, at <br />a point 726 feet North of the Southeast corner of <br />said Section; running thence West parallel with and <br />726 feet North of the South line of said Section, a <br />distance of 913.25 feet; thence North 242 feet; <br />thence East 913.25 feet to the East line of said <br />Section; thence South along said East line 242 feet <br />to the place of beginning, in St. Joseph County, <br />Indiana. <br />EXCEPTING an easement to the Trustees of South Bend <br />Bend Lodge No. 235 of the Benevolent and Protective <br />Order of Elks of the United States of America of <br />St. Joseph County, State of Indiana, their success- <br />ors in office and assigns dated June 28, 1962, and <br />recorded July 23, 1962, in Deed Record 629, page <br />186, which affects the South one and one -half feet <br />of the said 125 x 200 foot parcel. <br />4. The parcel of real estate for which a change in zoning <br />is herewith requested is located on Hickory Road, approximately <br />525 feet North of McKinley Highway on the West side of Hickory Road. <br />5. Most of the real estate in the immediate vicinity of the <br />above described parcel is now zoned commercial, and it would be <br />consistent with good planning and the best use of said real estate <br />that it be zoned commercial. <br />6. A plat of the area, including the names and addresses of <br />adjacent owners of real estate, is herewith attached and marked <br />Petitioners' Exhibit A. <br />WHEREFORE, your petitioners pray that the City Planning <br />Commission recommend a change in the zoning of said land from "A" <br />Residential and "A" Height and Area to "C -1" Commercial and "B" <br />Height and area, and that the Common Council amend the existing <br />zoning ordinance accordingly. <br />ldL iLLC. % �Lt iY "112z✓✓ <br />Jake Weingarten <br />Rose WelngT <br />