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IN THE MATTER OF THE PETITION OF ) <br />JAKE WEINGARTEN AND ROSE WEINGARTEN) <br />PETITION TO REZONE LAND <br />TO THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND <br />AND <br />THE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF <br />SOUTH BEND <br />I. The undersigned are the owners of the following described <br />real estate in the City of South Bend, County of St. Joseph, State <br />of Indiana, to -wit: <br />A parcel of land in the East Half of the Southeast <br />Quarter of Section Five (5), Township Thirty - <br />seven (37) North, Range Three (3) East described <br />as beginning on the East line of said Section <br />Five (5) at a point Nine Hundred Sixty -eight (968) <br />feet North of the Southeast corner of said Section; <br />running thence West a distance of Nine Hundred <br />Thirteen and Twenty -five Hundredths (913.25) feet; <br />thence North Two Hundred Forty -two (242) feet; <br />thence East Nine Hundred Thirteen and Twenty -five <br />Hundredths (913.25) feet to the East line of said <br />Section; thence South along said East line Two <br />Hundred Forty -two (242) feet to the place of be- <br />ginning, in St. Joseph County, Indiana. <br />A parcel of land in the South East Quarter of the <br />South East Quarter of Section No. 51 Township 37 <br />North, Range No. 3 East; described as follows, <br />viz: Beginning on the East line of said Section <br />No. 5 at a point 726 feet North of the Southeast <br />corner of said Section; running thence West parallel <br />with and 726 feet North of the South line of said <br />Section, a distance of 913.25 feet; thence North 242 <br />feet; thence East 913.25 feet to the East line of <br />said Section; thence South along said East line 242 <br />feet to the place of beginning. <br />2. The above described real estate is now zoned "A" Resi- <br />dential and "A" Height and Area according to the zoning ordinance <br />of the City of South Bend, Indiana. <br />3. Petitioners desire to have the follovA ng portion of the <br />above described real estate rezoned from "A" Residential and "A" <br />FILED 1E91 CLE IK's MICE <br />��n12- <br />KATHRYN L. BLOUGH <br />CITY CLERK, SOUTH BEND, IND. <br />