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For purposes of this subsection, the records of the waterworks shall <br />be analyzed and all showings shall be prepared by a certified public accountant <br />employed by the City for that purpose, which accountant sliall certify That he <br />has no pecuniary interest in the waterworks or improvements, thereto other than <br />in the malting of said analysis and -the preparation of said showings. <br />(c) The principal of the additional parity bonds sliall be payable <br />annually on September 1 and the interest semi - annually on March 1 and <br />September 1 in 'the years in which principal and interest are payable. <br />(d) To -the extent required by law, the issuance of the proposed <br />additional parity bone's and any necessary increase in water rates and charges <br />shall have been approved by -the Public Service Commission of Indiana, and <br />said Comrission shall have certifi.ed. -that the income and revenues of the <br />waterworks, after providing for operation and maintenance and depreciation, <br />will be sufficient to pay the principal and interest of all bonds payable from <br />the revenues of the waterworks, including -the additional parity bonds proposed <br />to be issued. <br />Section 10. The accrued interest and nre;'aiui, ii any, received at <br />the time of the delivery of the bonds sha11 be denosited in the Bond and Interest <br />Redemption Accour.L hereinbcfore referred to. The remaining proceeds from the <br />sale of the bonds shall be deposited in a ban;: or bans which are legally <br />designated and qualified dopositories for the funds of -the City, in a special <br />account or accounts to be as "Cii'+ of South Bcnd, Waterworks <br />Construction Account ". Each of such special accounts shall lie del Osi Led, <br />secured, held or invested as provided by the laws relating to the depositing, <br />securing, holding or investing of public funds, -including particularly Chapter 9 <br />of the Acts of 1945, as amended. The funds in such special account or accounts <br />shall be expended only for the purpose of Haying the cost of the construction <br />and -the ins'tal.lation of extensions, additions and improvements to said :yater- <br />worncs as herein authorized, the incidental expense incurred in connec'Lion there- <br />with and with the issuance of bonds, and for the payment of interest accruing <br />on the bonds during the period of cons- truction, if required for LhaL purpose. <br />Any balance or balances remaining unexpended in such special account or accounts <br />-].4- <br />