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Section 9. The City reserves the right to authorize and issue additional <br />bonds, payable out of the revenues of the waLorworls, ranking on a parity with the <br />bonds authorized by this ordinance, for the purpose of financing -the cost- of <br />future construction, additions, extensions and improvements to the waterworks, <br />subject to -the fol- lowing conditions: <br />(a) The interest on and principal of all bonds payable from the <br />revenues of the waterworks shall have been paid to date in accordance with the <br />terms thereof, and all required payments into -tine Bond and Interest Redemption <br />Account have been made in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance. <br />(b) (1) The amount of gross revenues of the waterworks allocated by <br />Sec. 3(c) of this ordinance to and deposited in the Bond and Interest Redemption <br />Account in the calendar year immediately preceding the issuance of any such <br />additional parity bonds shall be not less than Ono Hundred T.renty -five per cent <br />(125 %) of -the maximum annual interest and principal requirements of the then <br />outstanding bonds and the additional parity bonds proposed to be issued; or <br />(2) prior to -the issuance of said parity bonds, the proportion <br />of the gross revenues allocated to said Bond and Interest Redemption Account <br />shall be increased sufficiently so -that said increased propertion applied to <br />the previous calendar year's gross revenues would have produced revenues in said <br />Bond and Interest Redemption Account for said year equal to not less than One <br />Hundred Twenty -five per cent (125'/0') of -tile mnimuim annual interest and principal <br />requirements of the then outstanding bonds and the additional parity bonds <br />proposed to be issued; or <br />(3) prior to the issuance of said parity bonds, the water rates <br />and charges shall be increased sufficiently and the proportion of gross revenues <br />allocated to said Bond and Interest Redemption Account- increased sufficiently <br />so that said increased water rates and charges applied to the previous calendar <br />year's operations would have produced gross revenues in an amount so that the <br />proportion allocated. -to said Bond and Interest RederapLion Account for said year <br />would have equaled not less -than One Hundred T<oenty -five per cent (125%) of <br />the maximum annual interest and principal requirements of the then outstanding <br />bonds and-die additional parity bonds proposed to be issued. <br />-13- <br />