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Resolution Addressing HHR -6 <br />Page 2 <br />4 a majority of the legislative branch of the City of South Bend believe that HJR -6 is not <br />good for the business of Indiana or for the families of Indiana, as noted in a recent poll conducted by <br />Ball State University showing that 58% of Indiana residents oppose the proposed constitutional <br />amendment, and that in addition to the actions of the mayors and council noted to date that educational <br />institutions such as Indiana University, Purdue University, Ball State University, Butler University and <br />DePaul University have expressed their opposition; and <br />recruiting and retaining the younger generation workforce must include recognition <br />and respect for those in same -sex unions, but HJR 6 sends precisely the opposite message; and <br />WIM4 , on June 26, 2013, the United States Supreme Court ruled that Section 3 of the federal <br />Defense of Marriage Act, which denied federal recognition of the marriage of same -sex couples who <br />were legally married under state law, was unconstitutional; and <br />q it should be further noted that Indiana University, DePauw University, Wabash <br />College, Ball State University, Butler University, the University of Evansville, University of <br />Indianapolis and Indiana State University have declared that HJR -6 would be a conflict in policies <br />against harassment and discrimination; and a recent study by students at the Indiana University Maurer <br />School of Law found more than 600 rights and obligations related to marriage that could be permanently <br />denied under HJR 6. <br />Section I. The majority of the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, urges the <br />2014 Indiana General Assembly to vote against HJR 6. <br />Section II. The South Bend Common Council directs the City Clerk o to distribute copies of this <br />Resolution to Indiana Governor Mike Pence and to all members of the Indiana General Assembly who <br />have emails of public record. <br />Section III. This Resolution shall be in full for e ect o er its adoption by the <br />Council and approval by the Mayor. �- <br />Council Member Tim Scott, I" District <br />South Bend Common Council <br />hn oorde, City Clerk <br />PI2MWEO .� —13 -1 i <br />NOT APPROVED z <br />Pete Butjlg4eg, Ma0ef South Bend <br />Filed in Clerk's Office <br />_tAF i_i'v wm6nc <br />