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Street; thence west along the <br />to the east right -o£ -way line <br />beginning. <br />-2- <br />south line of Callander Street <br />of U.S. #31 and point of <br />Also a parcel of land described as follows: <br />Part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 25, Township 37 <br />North, Range 2 East, more particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at a point on the East line of said Southeast <br />Quarter of Section 25, 556.45 feet South of the Northeast <br />corner thereof; thence continuing South on said East line <br />(being also the centerline of Miami Highway) a distance of <br />173.70 feet; thence West a distance of 470.00 feet to a point; <br />thence North a distance of 173.73 feet to a point; thence East <br />a distance of 4;70.00 feet to the point of beginning; said real <br />estate containing approximately 1.675 acres, subject to legal <br />highways. <br />by changing the classification of the "Use District" from "Unzoned" <br />to "C" Commercial and from "No" Height and Area District to "A" <br />Height and Area District. <br />SECTION 2 <br />This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after <br />its passage by the Common Council, approval b the Mayor and legal <br />publication. <br />L <br />Member of the Common Council <br />ATTEST: <br />g <br />Presented by me to the Mayor of the City of South Bend, Indiana <br />on the 16th day of June , 1971, at the hour of <br />o'clock M. <br />This Ordinance approved and <br />qA <br />1st & 2nd READING 5 -24 -71 <br />CONIMITl'EE OF THE WHOLE <br />PUB'_ C TEARING 6 -14 -71 <br />3rd RADING 6 -14 -71 <br />NOT APROVED <br />REFERRED <br />PASSED 6 -14 -71 <br />J'SX <br />City Cler <br />signed by me on the 1-7 day of <br />1971, at the <br />of 7., S-() o' clock-ILM. <br />FILED IN CLERK'S OFFICE <br />MAY 2 0 19 71 <br />KATHRYN L. BLOUGH <br />CITY CLERK; SOUTH BEND, IND. <br />