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EXCERPTS FROM THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE <br />AREA PLAN COMMISSION HELD ON OCTOBER 209 1970 <br />6. An ordinance originated by the Area Plan Commission to zone recently <br />annexed land "A" Residential Use and "A" Height and Area District <br />which is commonly known as the 4 -H Fairground area being approximately <br />119.66 acres lying between York Road and Ironwood Road south of <br />Jackson Road, located in the City of South Bedd. <br />Mr, Johnson advised the Commission that there is no appeal before <br />the courts on this annexation. The staff recommends this area be <br />placed in the "A" Residential zoned district. The 4 -H Fairgrounds <br />and the TV tower would be non - conforming use and expansion of these <br />uses would be possible through the issuance of a Special Use permit <br />granted by the Board of Zoning Appeals. Mr. Johnson also stated <br />that it is his understanding that a TV tower has no classification <br />and Mr. Taylor said that fairgrounds are not listed either. He <br />asked if it made any difference if it is zoned heavy industrial. <br />Mr. Bellinger apprised the Commission that the proposed zoning was <br />checked with the South Bend Building Commissioner, Forrest West, and <br />he stated he could see no problem in expanding the 4 -H Fairground <br />building facilities under the "A ".zoning classification. <br />Mr. Johnson said the staff was convinced there would be no hardship <br />on either the TV Tower(s) or the fairgrounds. Mr. Taylor apprised <br />Mr. Bowers, after his inquiry, that it does not make any difference <br />how it is zoned; it will still be a non - conforming use. <br />After due consideration, Dwight Miller made a motion, seconded <br />by Mr. Bowers, that this petition for rezoning be recommended favorably <br />to the Common Council of the City of South Bend. Motion carried <br />unanimously. <br />FILED IN CLERK'S OFFICE <br />NOV 51970 <br />KATHRYN L. BLOUGH <br />CITY CLERK, SOUTH BEND, IND. <br />