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2. Where proposed work conflicts with existing private building sewer laterals, a segment of <br /> the existing sewer lateral, in conflict, shall be removed and replaced/reinstated. Removal <br /> of existing sanitary laterals shall be limited to the first joint upstream and downstream of <br /> the portion of work in conflict with the proposed improvements, or as required to tie into <br /> existing lateral locations. This work will be measured on a per instance basis for <br /> conflicting laterals encountered during the course of the Work and shall include all labor, <br /> equipment and materials (including pipe, fittings and couplings). <br /> 3. Replacement work materials shall be PVC SDR 35 per ASTM D3034. New sanitary <br /> laterals and fittings shall be 6-inch diameter PVC SDR 35 per ASTM D3034 unless <br /> otherwise directed by the Owner. The pipe and fittings for the 12-inch and 8-inch <br /> Sanitary Sewer shall be PVC SDR 35 per ASTM D3034. <br /> 4. The work performed with this Pay Item shall conform to the current City Standards and <br /> IDEM's requirements <br /> 5. Watertight joints shall be provided at all connections. <br /> 6. Installation of the sanitary sewer pipe shall be in accordance with the pipe manufacturer's <br /> recommendations, ASTM D2321, the City of South Bend's requirements and IDEM's <br /> requirements. Pipe installations shall be backfilled as shown on the Plans or as directed. <br /> 7. The termination point of each sanitary sewer lateral shall be marked with a steel <br /> reinforcing bar and with a wood stake. The reinforcing bar shall be size #4, installed flush <br /> with proposed grade and shall extend to the center of the sewer lateral pipe. The <br /> reinforcing bar shall be offset from the end of the lateral pipe such that it does not touch <br /> the pipe. The wood stake shall be pressure treated and shall be 2"x2"x24" long. The top <br /> of the stake shall protrude 6"above finish grade. The sanitary sewer lateral markers are <br /> incidental to the respective pay item. <br /> 8. Leakage tests of the sanitary sewer shall be conducted by the Contractor for infiltration or <br /> exfiltration using a hydrostatic test. The hydrostatic test shall be performed with a <br /> minimum positive head of 2-feet. The rate of infiltration or exfiltration shall not exceed <br /> 100 gallons per inch diameter per mile per day for any section of the system. In lieu of <br /> the hydrostatic test, all sanitary sewer piping shall be subject to a low pressure air test per <br /> ASTM F1417. The City and Engineer shall be advised 48-hours prior to conducting all <br /> tests. <br /> 9. A five percent (5%) Mandrel Deflection Test shall be performed on all PVC sanitary <br /> sewer pipe. <br /> 10. These pipes shall be mandrelled with a rigid device sized to pass five percent(5%) or less <br /> deflection (or deformation) of the base inside diameter of the pipe. The Mandrel Test <br /> shall be conducted no earlier than thirty (30) calendar days after reaching final trench <br /> backfill grade. Each pipe material/type required to be Mandrel tested shall be tested with <br /> a Mandrel approved by the pipe manufacturer and meeting the requirements of this <br /> section. The test shall not be performed with the aid of a mechanical pulling device. <br /> 11. The mandrel shall be pulled by hand through all sewer lines in a manner acceptable to the <br /> City and any section of sewer not passing the mandrel shall be uncovered, replaced or <br /> repaired to the City's satisfaction and retested. <br /> 19 <br />