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SECTION IV. CRIME COMMISSION - POWERS AND DUTIES <br />For the purposes of carrying out the purposes <br />and intent of this act, the South Bend Crime Commission shall <br />have the following powers and duties, and such Commission is <br />hereby authorized to do and perform any of the following: <br />1. To set the date of, and to hold such <br />meetings of the Commission as may be deemed necessary, from <br />time to time, but not less than once a month. <br />2. To employ an executive director, secretary <br />and such other experienced help or assistance as may be deemed <br />necessary by the Commission. <br />3. To establish standards and qualifications <br />for the appointment of all personnel, fix their compensation <br />and approve their appointments without regard to political <br />considerations. <br />4. To adopt such by -laws as the Commission <br />may deem necessary for the regulation of its internal affairs. <br />5. To prepare and submit an annual report <br />concerning the Commission's activities during the prior calendar <br />year. Said annual report shall be filed with the office of the <br />City Clerk on or before the first day of March of the following <br />year. <br />6. To subpoena witnesses and to subpoena <br />documents, writings and records pertinent to matters under <br />investigation or in question before the Commission. <br />7. To investigate and make recommendations as <br />to any and all matters which the Commission shall deem appropriate <br />and necessary for the improvement and effective operation of the <br />criminal justice system in St. Joseph County and the City of <br />South Bend. <br />SECTION V. This Ordinance shall be in full <br />force and effect from and after its passage by the Common Council <br />and approval by the Mayor. <br />L-p- �, 'D - � - <br />Passed March 11, 1974, as amended. <br />-2- <br />