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-5- <br />(1).. To state its finding of fact after a hearing <br />and, if the Commission finds a person has engaged in an unlawful <br />discriminatory practice, it may cause to be served on such <br />person an order requiring such person to cease and desist from <br />the unlawful discriminatory practice and requiring such person <br />to take further Affirmative Action as will effectuate the <br />purposes of this Ordinance, including but not limited to the <br />power to restore complainant's losses incurred as a result of <br />discriminatory treatment, as the Commission may deem necessary <br />to assure justice, provided however that this specific <br />provision when applied to orders pertaining to employment shall <br />include only wages, salary or commissions; to require the <br />posting of notice setting forth the public policy of Indiana <br />concerning Civil Rights and respondent's compliance with said <br />policy in places of public accommodations; to require proof of <br />compliance to be filed by respondent at periodic intervals; to <br />require a person who has been found to be in violation of the <br />South Bend Human Rights Ordinance, and who is licensed by <br />a State Agency authorized to grant a license, to show cause to <br />the licensing agency why his license should not be revoked or <br />suspended. <br />(2). Judicial Review of such cease and desist <br />order or other Affirmative Action as referred to in this chapter <br />may be obtained. Judicial Review is instituted within fifteen (15) <br />days from receipt of notice by a person that such order has been <br />made by the Commission, if it determines that the person upon <br />whom the cease and desist order has been served is not complying <br />or is making no effort to comply, the Commission may obtain a <br />decree of a court for the enforcement of such order in a <br />circuit or superior court upon showing that such person is <br />subject to the commission's jurisdiction and resides or <br />tranacts business within the county in which the petition for <br />enforcement is brought. <br />(3). If, upon all the evidence the Commission <br />shall find that a person has not engaged in any such unlawful <br />practice or violation of article 2, the Commission shall state <br />its finding of facts and shall issue and cause to be served <br />on the complainant an order dismissing the said complaint as <br />to such person. <br />(j) To reduce the terms of conciliation agreed to <br />by the parties to a writing to be called a Consent Agreement <br />which the parties and a majority of the Commissioners shall <br />sign when so signed the Consent Agreement shall have the <br />same effect as a cease and desist order issued pursuant to <br />Sub - section (1). above. If the Commission determines that <br />a party to a Consent Agreement is not complying with the <br />Agreement, the Commission may obtain enforcement in a Circuit <br />or Superior Court upon showing that the party is subject <br />to the Commission's jurisdiction and resides or tranacts <br />business within the county in which the petition for <br />enforcement is brought. <br />Sec. 11 -8 'City Contracts <br />Every contract to which the City is a. party, including <br />franchises granted to the public utilities, shall contain a pro- <br />vision requiring the contractor and his subcontractor not to <br />discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment <br />who is to be employed in the performance of such contract with <br />respect to his hire, tenure, terms conditions or privileges <br />or employment of any matter directly or indirectly related <br />to employment, because of his race, religion, color, sex, <br />national origin or ancestry. Breach of this convenant may be <br />considered a material breach of the contract. <br />