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(bummtfur Irport <br />go tke fltomuwn Moum l of the (Mg of Ovut4 Vrnd: <br />Your Committee of the Whole <br />to whom was referred <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 2, <br />ARTICLE 11, SECTIONS 2 -51 THROUGH <br />2 -62 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF <br />SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, 1971, RE- <br />DESIGNATED BY ORDINANCE NO. 5390 -72 <br />AS ARTICLE 9 OF CHAPTER 2 OF THE <br />CODE, BY THE SUBSTITUTION OF A <br />NEW ARTICLE 9 OF CHAPTER 2 <br />ESTABLISHING THE SOUTH BEND <br />HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION. <br />Respectfully report that they have examined the matter and that in their opinion the Ordinance should go <br />to the Council as favorable, as amended below: <br />In Sec. 2 -51, amend the word "Commission" to read "Ordinance" <br />In Sec. 2 -54 (a), insert "South Bend" immediately before the words <br />"Human Rights Commission" and amend the number of members from <br />fifteen to nine. <br />In Sec. 2 -55 (a), amend the number of members to be appointed by <br />the Mayor to six and the number of members to be appointed by <br />the President of the Common Council to three. In the last sentence, <br />amend the number of members for a quorum from eight to five. <br />In Sec. 2 -56 (b), strike the words "to fix their compensation ". <br />In Sec. 2 -56 (d), in the fourth line, amend the word "at" to read <br />"of" and the word "shall" to read "may ". <br />In Sec. 2 -56 (i), in the fourth line after the word "Commission ", <br />add the following: "such power of subpoena, however, is to be <br />exercised only upon approval of and through the Department of Law." <br />Delete the next sentence and continue on with the sentence.starting <br />with the word "Contumacy ". <br />In Sec. 2 -56 (i) (1), insert the words "not to exceed $500.00" <br />immediately following the word "commissions" in the tenth line. <br />Fp.. ..E.. r .......... <O. <br />