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with the FCPC within ten days after becoming a <br />candidate. It would also require through Executive <br />Order disclosure of the Mayor, Cabinet members, and <br />all City officials and employees earning more than <br />$16,500 annually. Through the inclusion of such <br />a section, a procedure would be set up enabling the <br />Public the right to view personal finances of all <br />candidates under consideration. Such a section <br />would definitely strengthen the entire act. <br />(2) Amend Section VI "Fair Campaign Practices Commission" <br />(Page 3) by deleting (a) and (b) and in substitution there- <br />to including the following: <br />(a) Establishment: It is hereby established a three - <br />member comm ssion to be known as the Fair Campaign <br />Practices Commission (FCPC). The members shall be <br />appointed by the Judge of the Circuit Court of St. Joseph <br />County and shall be selected on the basis of their <br />maturity, experience, integrity, impartiality, and good <br />Judgment. <br />(b) Each member of the FCPC shall serve a term of <br />three years. <br />serve wit This commission, whose members shall <br />hout pay, disclosure shall be a bipartisan overseer of all <br />The administrativeiservices mOfithe Officebofe the fCityls. <br />Clerk will be available to the commission and all files <br />and reports of the FCPC shall be deposited and retained <br />in the Clerk's Office Comment: <br />of the present lan . Due to the ambiguity <br />selected bipartisanuoverseer twhich cwould yactrin aeutrally <br />clearinghouse and enforcement role, I highly recommend <br />this amendment. <br />(3) Add in their entirety the sections entitled "Promise <br />of Appointments by Candidate ", "Promise of Employment or <br />other Benefit for Political Activity", "Deprivation of <br />Employment or other Benefit% "False Statements and <br />Illegal Payments ", and "Penalty for Candidates "of the <br />September 16th Act. In <br />all patterned aft elusion of these five sections, <br />er the newly enacted federal law, <br />would effectively strengthen the act by putting additional <br />checks and safeguards into the law. <br />Each citizen of the City of South Bend is entitled to a fair <br />and equitable electoral process. I believe that the "Fair <br />