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CITY OF SOUTH BEND <br />South Bend, Indiana 48807 <br />Jerry J. Miller <br />Mayor <br />Members of South Bend Common Council <br />City of South Bend <br />South Bend, Indiana 46601 <br />Dear Members of the Common Council: <br />In the sincere hope of restoring a <br />confidence in the integrity of the <br />since there is a definite need for <br />legislation in this area, I hereby <br />Campaign Practices Act ". However, <br />serious reservations. <br />October 24, 1974 <br />ad strengthening public <br />Political process, and <br />effective and comprehensive <br />sign into law the "Fair <br />I do so with several <br />The City Attorney has recommended to veto this act due to <br />the inclusion of Section VII, "Limitations on Contributions <br />and Expenditures ". The City Attorney's office has consistently <br />maintained that such a section is illegal due to the pre- <br />emption doctrine. Since the Indiana Corrupt Practices Act <br />has effectively legislated into this area, the City is there- <br />fore without any power or authority to so legislate, <br />Mr, David Kryder of the Attorney General's Office in the State <br />of Indiana, who is the attorney to the State Election Board <br />has agreed with the City Attorney's opinion that "Indiana <br />State law pre -empts the City from enacting any legislation into <br />the area of contribution and expenditure limitations ". <br />Therefore, based on these legal opinions from the Attorney <br />General's Office and our own City Attorney's office, I <br />recommend that the Common Council amend the "Fair Campaign <br />Practices Act" in the following particulars: <br />(1) Delete Section VII "Limitations on Contributions <br />and Expenditures" (pages 3 -4) and in substitution <br />thereto add as Section VII, Section V "Personal <br />Disclosure (page 3) of the Administration's Act <br />submitted September 16. The inclusion of this <br />section would require all candidates to file a <br />complete report of assets, incomes, and liabilities <br />