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Department of Pablie Parks <br />Administration Building <br />St. Louis Boulevard at Wayne Street <br />South Bend 17, Indiana <br />August 20, 1974 <br />Mr. Peter Nemeth, President <br />South Bend Common Council <br />County -City Building <br />227 West Jefferson Boulevard <br />South Bend, Indiana <br />Dear Pete: <br />The Department of Public Parks is requesting the Common Council to <br />transfer $7,000.00, from the balance in Revenue Sharing, Account <br />#261, Other Contractual Services, Rum village Nature Education Center, <br />to Account #726, Properties, Other Equipment. <br />As you are aware, the Council appropriated $150,000.00 for the Nature <br />Center Complex. The building and perimeter fence cost $127,962.009 <br />architect fees were $8,765.94, leaving a balance of $13,272.06. The <br />D building is now finished and in order to institute the programs in <br />the building equipment must be purchased. <br />A list of the proposed equipment will be submitted to the council at a <br />later date. <br />The balance of the money in Account #261 will be used for nature trail <br />development. <br />The new Nature Center is definitely an asset to the park system and <br />the Park Board is confident that the program that is being planned by <br />the Recreation Department will make the above expenditures beneficial <br />to the citizens of South Bend. <br />Very truly yours, <br />DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC PARKS <br />James R. Seitz, <br />Superintendent <br />